100 Days In And Zero Greatness
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Category : Blogs
Sub Category : Politics
So ... President Circus Peanut's first 100 days are in the book. By traditional standards, the 100 day mark review is not that big a deal. But not with Trump. Why? Because he spoke at every single campaign rally bloviating about how he would easily solve so many of America's "problems", real and imagined, within his first 100 days. But now he croaks that he just didn't realize how hard being President would be. He has not only failed in virtually every initiative proposed resulting in zero bills passed (no tax reform, no budget, no reform of healthcare) with Republicans controlling both houses of Congress. Even his most important Executive Orders have been shot down as being unconstitutional (immigration, and sanctuary city defunding). He has alienated every segment of our country, has virtually all of our allies thinking WTF, seems detetmined to start world war III as he is utterly incapable of making a deal with the Chinese to rein in Kim Jong Un and not a single piece of infrastructure development put forward. By any standard, Circus Peanut has been a total disgrace. But believe it or not, the idiot gave himself an A grade for his "performance" during an interview yesterday. WTF? This guy is at best delusional. At worst, he has serious multiple mental disorders. Hopefully the corporate bagmen in D.C. (Congress people) will do their jobs and follow the facts in the Russian-Trump crime maze to see if we can unload Circus Peanut. SAD!