Cemetery Pt 1 Read Count : 58

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Horror
                     Cemetery pt 1 
In the year of  2016 their was a family that was looking for a house and Janet was looking online searching for homes that was close to her parents house . 
One afternoon she went online and she found a perfect home that stood out to her so she looked at it and she called the agents  and  asked them if she could look a the house and they told her she could come and look at the house she wanted , so Janet asked her teenage kids if they wanted to go with her to look at the house with her and her teenagers said ( sure ). So they went alone with her to go see this house she saw offline . 
             As they were on their way to go seeing this house mark asked his mom if they were moving to be closer to his mom's parents house and Janet said ( Yes mark were gonna movie ). Mark said ( Yes ). And Amanda said ( Hell yeah let's do this ). 
Janet said ( most teens say no to moving to another home ). Mark and Amanda were happy to be  moving to a new home . As they were on their way two go see the brand new home mark tells his mother a big secret that he's been hiding from his two parents for a very long time , mark said ( Mom I need to tell you something I've never told you or dad ever and I know your  gonna probably hate me for the rest of  your life ). Janet said ( Mark were you parents honey why would we be mad at you for ). Mark then said ( mom I'm gay ). Janet said ( o honey that was a big surprise awww see I'm not upset with u I am proud of you for coming out as being gay ). Mark had a phew tears coming down his eyes . Amanda was happy for her little brother for coming out as gay , when they pulled up into the drive way  and the agent was their waiting  for them on the drive way waiting . 
             As they got out of the car mark and Amanda were super excited to be seeing the new home of theirs and so was mark and Janet as well , the agent was happy they could make it down to see their brand new home . As the agent unlocked the door he gave them a tour of the house and Amanda and Mark and their mom just loved the brand new home , inside this brand new house it had new everything new dishwasher a new set of paint that smelled like a brand new home to them . As they kept walking Mark and Amanda went upstairs to check it out and looked around the home , Mark called out to Amanda she came running to Mark , Amanda said , (What is it Mark did you find something ). Mark said ,( Look ).Amanda said , ( Mark stop scaring me come on ). Mark said , ( Look outside and what were close to Amanda ). Amanda said , It's just a cemetery Mark what's so bad about a cemetery ). Mark didn't say nothing back . As mark just stood their looking out at the window he saw a family just waking and enjoying the nice summer afternoon Mark was wondering to himself wishing that his family would do if they moved into that brand new home . Amanda came running and told Mark the great news , Amanda said , ( You won't believe me if I told you that mom is gonna buy this house and that she signed the papers as well for it ). Mark said , ( Really mom bought this house for real ). They both were happy that their mom bought the brand new home they were wanting . 
         Then the agent gave them the house key so they could get back into their new home , their mom thanked the agent for working with them and they both left . On their way back home Janet stopped to get two moving trucks to move their stuff a lot of stuff they had in their other home of theirs , Janet asked Mark to drive one moving truck and Amanda to drive the other moving truck . 
         Both her teens drove each moving truck while their mom drove the 16 passenger van , when they got home they started moving things into both moving trucks it took them at least 15 hours to get everything into to moving trucks . Once they were finished they headed to their brand new home and unload the to moving trucks , once they got their into the drive way they backed both moving trucks side by side and opened up both of them at the same time . Mark and Amanda and Janet were working hard extra hard to get it done , but the family that was walking earlier came around the second time and stopped and asked if they needed help with unpacking the to moving trucks . Janet said , ( Yes thank you ).  As they were finishing up with unloading the truck Amanda and Mark closed the doors and brought in the last stuff inside and Mark said ,( damn ). Hayden said,( damn what ). Mark said , ( just wanted to see what you'd say ). Hayden said ,( dam your have some nice looking most beautiful eyes ). Mark said ,( why thank you Hayden so do you ). Hayden came to Mark and hugged him gently and said , ( so you want to hang out sometime ). Mark said ,( sure I'd love that and you can show me and my family around if that's cool with you as well ). Hayden said ,( hell yeah I'd love to show you guys around and I'll bring my family as well and take you around the place tomorrow ). As they said their goodbyes mark and Amanda and Janet left to take the moving trucks back Janet said ,( awww he likes you mark ). Mark said ,( I can tell he likes me guys ). Amanda got a text from one of her best friends and she texted her back telling her friend that her baby brother has a new crush , her friend texted her back and read , ( awww tell mark I say congrats ). Amanda texted and read , ( I will ). Amanda said ,( Mark ). Mark said ,( yeah sis ). Amanda said , ( hey if Hayden sends you a friend request on Facebook that means he's so into you and that he's looking for his prince charming ). Mark said , ( God I love his body ). Janet smiled at both her kids . After all that moving and unloading mark and Amanda asked their mom if they could invite their new friends over tonight and get to see them again so Janet and her teens went over to their new friends house and asked them if they wanted to come over tonight and have dinner with them and Hayden's and rose and the two parents said ,( Sure what time ). Janet said ,( around 6:30 ). Brad said ,( Sounds good see you then ). Mark looked as his phone still nothing from Hayden from Facebook requests Amanda told Mark to be a little bit patient with Hayden , Mark said ,( okay). The door bell raining and Amanda went to open it up and their they were dressed up nicely so was Amanda and Mark and Janet as well in their best clothing . Brad said at the dinner table , ( how you like it down hear in the new home Janet said ,( I love it actually so dose my daughter and my son mark as well ). Mark couldn't keep his eyes off  Hayden and Hayden couldn't keep his eyes off Mark as well , mark said , ( So Hayden what do you do for a living ). Hayden said , ( I actually teach kids wizardry and how to cast magic spells ). Mark looked at him like he was weired or something like that Amanda was shocked as well so was Janet two . Mark and them didn't say a word about it nothing like that ,Amanda said ,( awww so adorable Hayden ). Hayden said, (well thank you Amanda right ). The next phew hours gonna by Mark was sweating it wasn't because of Hayden it was because Mark was born with magic as well but Mark was a sorcerer combined together . Mark was helping his mom clean the table when all of a sudden Mark falls on to the floor and has a secure Janet yield for help and Hayden comes running to Marks side . Hayden says call an ambulance right away , Amanda was crying marks mom was on the phone with 911 and told them wear they lived , once the paramedics get to the house they came in and lifted Mark on the stretcher and took him to the nearest emergency hospital . When they got to the nearest emergency hospital they took Mark to the ICU room were they could watch him over night and figure out what was going on Janet was their and Amanda and Hayden and rose and their two parents as well , Hayden had tears coming down his face so did the others as well Mark was in a deep sleep waiting for his prince charming to brake the spell but it was so real and not a fairy tale that Mark was under a sleeping curse . 
          Hayden was thinking of what he last told Mark before he fell on the floor and flopping every were , it was like seeing a fish out of water flopping on the floor . Hayden said , ( I hope Mark is gonna be okay ). Amanda said , in her crying voice , ( me too i hope my little baby brother is gonna make it and just wake up ).sniff  sniff Janet was worried what caused it to happen that Mark fell on the floor all of a sudden for no reason. The doctors came out and asked her if she was Marks mother she said ,( yes I'm Marks mother she replied , the doctor said, ( I'm sorry to tell you this all but Mark has something inside him helping me stay alive we don't know what it is yet or what it is well keep you informed ). Janet said ,( what you mean he has something inside him ). The doctor didn't say anything back and walked away . Marks mom was sad her son was in lots of pain and she couldn't be their by his side while he was in pain Amanda said,( ugh why him wish it was me in their and not him ). 


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