Part 4 Read Count : 127

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Drama
  She stands there, in a blue transparent dress. Shimmering for days, months turn to years. My eyes lock with hers. She extends her long arm toward me, like God himself opening the doors. I take it. We lock hands.
  I hesitate to question, or even ask where we are going. Finally, the the courage to engage my larynx and speak, finally arrives. ''Where are you taking me?'' I ask as we walk hand in hand a long a watery river of rocks and flowers.
  Each stone a different color, a different shape. The flowers all white with blue stems. 
  The shallow, but cool water rushes beneath our feet. She turns to me with beauty. Her eyes widen and she let's out a sound, a language I can't make out. The accent, almost a mix of Russian and French sounds, but the words are not of this planet. ''Lo mimgo de suza me agoppo.'' She speaks. I take it to mean nothing. I say nothing and we move on. Marching forward to our unknown fate. 
  We move upon the side of a stream where a lone bear stands. His fur is purple with spots of brown and orange. His teeth are black as night. It stands over 8 feet tall by the looks of it, and breathing harshly, almost as if it's stealing the air from this very earth. My mind rushes back to my childhood. Summer camping with my father, before the drinking over took him. There I was, standing a timid 11 year old boy. 
  My father turned to me. ''Jesus Jim, don't just stand there, help me out with this goddamn tent!'' My hands covered in mud for reasons I can't remember and shaking. I approached with malet in hand. ''Okay, steady now.'' He said firmly. I slammed home the malet, but missed the nail by a mile. This tent will never be made. 
''Goddammit Jim!'' he barked. ''Jim, are you even paying attention!?..Jim!?..Jim!?'' Suddenly I snapped out if it and was back to my dream. I had no idea you could day dream with in a dream, or whatever this was. 
  ''Jim, snap out of it.'' The bear said, and continued on speaking with perfect english. ''Jim, we are running out of time, come find us tomorrow.'' Before I could react, I was awake, and they were gone. I sat up looking around the room. 11:15.

Book note. Translation: ''Do not be afraid, I am taking you home.''


  • L.C. Woods

    L.C. Woods

    Thanks so much

    Nov 22, 2017

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