Star Wars Rebels Honor And Glory Read Count : 81

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Adventure
Sabine : i thought we talk about this you don't have to do this anymore kanan told me after so many years of service that you gave the republic everything and they push you out why would you go back to them (Ezra looks at the coin and has a flash back ) Ezra:so that's it your leaving us toss the coin back to his friend. Hector:I've have been called i must answer it is a great honor. Ezra:ugh to run off to some secret organization give up the glory being a crusaders i don't think so Clone trooper:laughter oh he wishes that he got picked (ezra takes the trooper drinks and drinks it ) sigh puts the drink down on the table Ezra:the crusaders are mortal defenders of ryloth people wound be singing songs about our legacy hector: our legacy are our deeds at this war is bigger than all of us. clone trooper:battle droids top point to the east there coming.hector : alright people there playing our song stick with your dance partners lets crush dose rust bucket's. ezra:here's your walking stick old man.hector laugh leave with honor.ezra:die with glory ( they went to battle )hector:we won't burn rockets up fire (troopers firing the rockets )while ezra charges the enemy ezra:laughing puts one droid down to ground and dragging and picks it up and throws it at the other droids ezra:laughs i like the blowing threw my hair hector: get back and protect your team ezra : nah there just slowing me down be side there fine clone trooper : groaned where is ezra( something fell from the sky and landed its a super droid ) clone trooper what is that . ezra :that is mine ha ha charges the droid. Hector : dammit ezra ( the droid starts shooting at ezra ) ezra hit the new clanker and it stop ezra going forward pushes ezra back deploy it sword and hits ezra. hector : ezra (clone trooper hector more of does things were being overrun .hector : fall back to the checkpoint ill get ezra. .ezra groaned the droid had ezra pinned down and was going to kill him .hector : hey hits the droid ( the droid starts shooting it destroyed hectors shield and stabs him hector grab the arm rip it off and hit it with his hammer) Ezra : i had this hector :groaned obviously there cutting us off lets move ( they run to the building with a big doors and they close it hector: sight the door will hold get to unite i will hold them off ezra :and let you have all the glory we will fight our way back to together hector :he puts hammer down no I'm staying here Ezra : but i without you hector : commander you took an oath to be a crusader now keep it ezra :i i won't leave you hector : the team needs you be there shield he gives the coin to Ezra ezra leave with honor ezra gives his weapon to hector ezra die this glory old friend the droids broke threw the door hector : lets do this while the other droids finished the troopers a commander droid said kill them all Ezra pop out of nowhere and shield them hector was the droids and super droids Ezra saud barrier is failing so he body shield them hector got hit am d threw the hammer at the droid and ezra was being there shield hector finished the last droid and finally a bombing run was called hector sat down and died with honor and glory back to the present day ezra put the coin down where his friend died ezra:i have been called sabine i must answer always   


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