Sahia's Hide Or Homicide Chapter IV Read Count : 106

Category : Adult

Sub Category : Horror
     Alma's Gone

     "I don't know why." Ashley explains. 

    "Well goodness, that is over." Colleen sighs. 

   Tyler finally had to strength to pull himself up. He turned around and blankly stare at Colleen. 

   "What?" Colleen asks. 

    "You smell like shit." He says. 

   "Where have you been in?" Ashley asks. "It smells horrible." 

   "I was in a bathtub full of maladorous liquid." Colleen replies. 

    "Better take a shower when you get home." Dustin said. 

   "Um, where's Alma?" Zack asks. 

    "Alma?!" The group called out. There was no response. "Alma?!" 

     The group went out of the room and went down stairs. Alma was not found. 

   "Where did she go?" George asks. 

    "Oh great, she left!" Colleen said. 

    "Maybe that's why Sahia left Tyler's body?" Dustin suggests. "But how did she escape?" 

    "Alma must've ran out the door after Sahia went by her." Zack assumes. 

   "Whatever she did, she stopped the game." Tyler sighs in relief. "I am really thankful she did that." 

    "Ugh!" Colleen groans. Everyone stared at her. "We have to go look for her." 

    "Yeah, she's right." Ashley replies. "It's middle of the night and Alma can get herself lost out there." 

    "Or worst," says Zack. "She can get kidnapped, mugged, or dragged into the woods to be murdered." 

    "One of the quickest ways to escape from this world." George jokes. 

    "For you, that is." Colleen replies. "You need to find her." 

   "For the love of thrill, stop flipping out about her." Ashley growls. "First, you want to see her crap her pants. Now, you are the one freaking out!" 

   "She's our friend, Ash!" Colleen screams. 

  "We shouldn't have done this to her." Ashley pointed out. "What kind of friends do this to freak out a girl?" 

   "Okay, okay, okay," Dustin sighs. "If Alma doesn't show up in school next week, we should worry." 

  "Pretty sure, she would find her way home." Ashley hopes. 


     Alma was sprinting down the hill full of fright. She never had so much fear running through her veins. She only can see the woods beside her. There was barely any traffic lights upon Lincoln Drive. She stopped where the road ended which was at an intersection at the bottom of the hill. 

    The adrenaline faded slowly as she gotten away from Sahia's house. She looked both ways before going across. She was now on a sidewalk. Alma looked back towards the road although she didn't want to face fear itself. The traffic light she was standing under gave her enough light to see in the point of darkness. 

    Alma noticed she saw something gazing at her from the woods; it was a figure. Alma picked up the lack of facial features on the figure. Its skin was bright pale and wearing some sort of dress. The hair was dark to see.  Alma immediately turned the other way and started running. Adrenaline kicked in once more as Alma was trying to find her way home.  

    She then skid across the sidewalk and stubbed her toe in the process. She fell forward onto the concrete slab below her. "Ow." She groans as she stands back up. Alma began sprinting again until she ran into another intersection. 

     Alma tried to read the street signs beside her. "Cortland Avenue," it read.  Alma gaze upon the intersection as her eyes adjust to the darkness around her. She recognized it and knew she was close to home. Alma can already hear the lecture from her parents as she walks into the door or probably in a deep sleep and Alma can get away with it.

   Alma began running again gasping. Alma's heart was pulsing since she started running away from the house. Her respiratory demaded for more air, so carbon dioxide can get out of her bloodstream. Alma looked ahead to see her house in the distance. She noticed the lights were on in the house. 

   "Oh no!" Alma eyes widen open in fear. Alma knows that there's no turning back now. She had to face her punishment and explain to them why she ran away from home. 

    As Alma steps onto her balcony. She realizes the front door was locked. Alma went down from the balcony and ran to the backside the house. She went over the chained fence as quietly as she can. She opened the backdoor then went inside. The light from inside the house was now in darkness. She paused in confusion. 

   Alma walked into her parents' bedroom to see that they are asleep. 

     Was that an illusion or the melatonin is making tricks upon her mind? Alma thought. She walk into her own bedroom and went to bed. 

    Dustin, Tyler, George, Zack, Ashley, and Colleen just stopped at the bottom of the hill on Lincoln Drive. 

    "I don't see Alma anywhere, she probably ran off into the woods." Colleen assumes. 

     "Guys, let's hurry back before my parents find out about this." Dustin said.  His brain took a turn and saw that his parents would kill him if they figured out that he went beyond his curfew. 

    "What would they do?" Colleen asks with a smile. "Kick your butt?" 

    "Probably whip me with a dog chain or kill me." Dustin replies. "I am already in trouble from yesterday night." 

   "Oh year, I remember that." Said Tyler. "You should get home as fast as possible without getting caught."  

   "Avoid the cops, the cops are patrolling the streets seaching for drunk drivers and teenage pedestrians wandering around at midnight." Ashley adds in. 

   "I will stay within the tree line, so cops can't see me." Dustin said. 

   "Anyways, the rest of you, get into my car and I'll quietly drive you home." Colleen said while she looked ahead to find her car couple feet away. 

    "Um, you're not 21." Ashley pointed out. 

    "Here's an idea," Colleen says. "You guys pretend to be asleep in the car while I drive you guys home. If the cops come by, they'll see me as a parent driving you guys home." 

   "Not my fault if the plan doesn't work." Ashley commented. 

    "See you guys, soon!" Dustin waves while running into the tree line.  He ran all the way home without getting lost because he studied the map. Now, he needs to find his way in without getting caught. 

   Dustin quietly went up stairs into the balcony. He twist the knob and went inside. He left it unlock when he snuck out. Dustin locked it and sneak into his bedroom. Penel, his sister, was sound asleep. Dustin went up to his top bunk. 

    Dustin's phone vibrated into life. He received a text from Colleen around 1:30 in the morning. "Hey, come to my house around ten in the morning during the weekend." It read. 

    Dustin sent back: "Will see, need my parents to verify if it's okay then. Not going to risk sneaking out again." Then went back to sleep. 


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