Read Count : 176
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Drama
Today was long not like most days this one was alittle more crazy it seemed. I'll start from this morning. As I reach to hit the snooze botton my body felt normally strange? It felt the want for blood. It's was funny I thought so I just bruched it off. As I headed down stairs and wished my lovely sister a good morning. The smell got harder this time. Hard enuff to stop me in my tracks. As major seen me she asked. Corey you feelin alright. O and major is what me and dad started calling Aaron when she was little cause she had to be in charge of everthing. So she became major. But like I was telling you even tho I told major I was ok she knew better. Major and I came to an agreement thst going anywhere today was outta the question. So we call our little Simi. Witch might had been a bad idea on majors part cause me and Simi together is like drugs to a addict. Major says we play to much but I think is just the old grumpy adult she's had to become. Watching two sisters all her life had to take a toll on her. Hell she was basically our mother. Well I hear a knock on the door. I yell I got it! SIMI I yell. Once again the want for blood hits me like a ton of bricks my face goes blank and I get a good smell. It smell so delightful like fresh home made donuts. I shack My head to try and over come the smell. When I hit my senses again all I hear is major that not right. Shut up Simi i said in a panic. Ok major what's wrong with me I spoke loud and clear.