The Field Across The Street
Read Count : 127
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Thriller
My night started like every other night have my meal at 7:30 p.m. into bed at 8:30 p.m. but this night was not like any other night I had problems falling asleep there was nothing good on TV so I grab me a chair and pulled up to my window pulling back the curtains and started looking out the window now there's an empty property across the street from my house I have one big light shining bright so I can see very well outside even can see across the other side from my house so as I am looking at Cross if this empty lot something caught my eye I detected a movement I looked at the time it was midnight there's no dogs cats or cows or horses no one at all I said to myself this really crazy what could this be as I'm looking at this thick fog came from out of the sky then turn two balls like fire came from the ground the phone made a shape of a head and red balls entered into the phone now that was strange to me I could not take my eyes off whatever it was not to fall kid to red eyes in it the eyes like fire then the fault made a figure it future was of a person at this time I am confused and scared cold chills running down my back and then I could hear voices coming from the phone I said oh hell is someone over there their they're walking around but it was not walking it was floating I could not keep my eyes off it I could not call for help it was like I was hypnotized it was it was looking dead at me then it started floating towards me with eyes of fire in the voice stop it made sounds I never heard before then something red like blood was running from his eye I tried my best to look away from it I could not mean while other screams of pain torment hatred then something black like a shadow but it was very very dog I could see it the dark shadow head very sharp claws and as it floated towards the phone with the Flaming red eyes they was struggling with something then they stop and the dark shadow gave the fault something and these are the words that I heard I came to claim what it's mine and the dark shadow said I came to claim what is due to me I am here and the phone said I am here also so be prepared to take the long dark journey in the night
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