Parallel Universe Read Count : 112

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Thriller
People there's a different world a parallel universe exist being there I've seen things you will not believe it was back in 1977 some kind of way I was transported I know this sounds weird but it started like this I tried to commit suicide by taking a handful of pills one night so they called the ambulance for me to take me to the hospital the name of the hospital was Ben Taub I was living in Fifth Ward at the time I was young and head a lot of things going on at that time in my life so I am in the ambulance on my way to Ben Taub I was wide awake in the ambulance the paramedic was with me in the back of the ambulance like he was staring off in space with a blank look on his face it was very quiet the paramedic that was driving got on the freeway when he got on the freeway it was like he was driving around and up it was like on the roller coaster you know how when you ride the roller coaster and goes Brown but it's constantly going up to the reach the very top okay so it was like we was all in a trance when we got to the hospital it looked like bentall but it was not the doctors was like giants they all hit on white coats it was like I was the only patient there one of the doctors told me it's raining acid so we can't let you go until morning so I went to sleep but when I woke up the next day they let me go I could not catch the city bus I had no money I could not call no one so I walk when I got you a corner Something Told Me on every corner someone died or got killed when I got to the fifth corner this thing of spirit of whatever it was said to me this is the corner I got killed at I was so scared when I heard the voice but there was nowhere to run I walked on home when I got home it was about 3 p.m. as I looked around it seems as if it was my home but it was not everything was different even my family looked at the same but they would not when they talk I could not understand what they were saying their mouth was moving but nothing came out and if they was using telepathic to communicate between them so I said to myself this got to be all in my mind I am really losing it so I told myself to stop thinking like that so now it's 12 a.m. I went to sit outside now this is 5th Ward it always something going on in Fifth Ward late at night especially at 12 a.m. but this particular night everything was quiet even if a pain feel you could hear it that's just how quiet it was it was late at night very dog only the street lights was on I was just sitting on my front porch when I seen something falling down from the sky I was like wow a falling star then it came to my mind every time you see a falling star that means an angel just Fallen from heaven so I got up to go in the house too get me a glass of water when I seen this thing crawling and crying like a baby it had a body of a snake but a face of a human I was scared stiff I went to run outside when this thing told me it's your baby that you agreed so much for he came down from heaven must be for all this I lost the baby I was 3 months pregnant but the baby was born in my tooth it was very painful I was hemorrhaging on the inside it was a life-and-death matter they had to remove the two with the baby in it when I woke up I was in a room with a lady she just said hit her baby the nurse brought her baby into her I lost my baby I was totally depressed and upset it seems to me everyone there had a baby but me I would cry all the time for my baby Never Letting Go agreed over my baby all the time so when this thing told me this I feel really bad about it just because my my baby came down from heaven because of my selfishness I said Lord forgive me I put my baby in your hands please forgive me and it went away where I don't know so I went outside once more crying that's when I seen these meds they will all dressed in white and the truck they was driving was like a garbage truck and it was white to the thing that got me was it was not a garbage truck why I said that I never seen a garbage truck like that before in the men's head on something like contamination suits they had the theme to cover their heads they had the whole suit with the gloves and all they passed by all the garbage can they only went to the club across from my house they did not pick up the garbage from the front of the club they went to the back of the club and was getting something from the back of the club I could not tell what it was after they got whatever it was they left never picking up any garbage still there was no one around on the streets and it was unusual in Fifth Ward especially on Jensen Drive at night some kind of way these snake people entered into our world what do they want is to take over our world to control the human race and to wish if they're called the only way you can tell when you see one is by their eyes and every word that you have acid in it pay close attention when they are talking they also hypnotize you how you know you been hypnotized if you you can't remember in 5 or 10 minutes what you was doing like I can't believe I've been standing here this long and forgot what I was doing when strange people come around you look at their eyes really close if you see this in their eyes you'll know that's one of them they even have churches built as a symbol of a snake when you go to a new church always look around you look it up and down they try to get people to join them they are everywhere you just look around their eyes are like owls but their pupils like a surfer they had themselves among human I don't know if they are aggressive or not only time will tell they hypnotize you to see what they want you to see not reality once they have enough of them here that's when the battle begin the Battle of who you will serve you will you serve God or the serpent if you serve the Lord thy God you will be put to death I'll Christian that don't serve their God will be put to death people keep your faith in God it was told that this day would come it was prophesize from the Bible Christian maintain believes in God keep serving him wholehearted with no doubt keep on putting yourself praying to our Lord Jesus Christ because we are going to be told to deny our Lord Jesus Christ and if we don't deny our Lord Jesus Christ we will be put to death remember what the Lord said in Matthew 10 and 22 you will be hated by all men for my namesake but he who endure to the end Matthew 24:13 he said put the one who endure to the end he will be saying amen the threat of our Christianity is that hand these reptilian cause snake people actually exist and they're coming from parallel universe to bring God's people down and when the battle they think it is important don't be confused or scared when the snake people make themselves visible to us don't be week or go crazy you are protected by the blood of Jesus Christ now you know so you won't be surprised so help pass this on to others the future of Christianity is at handl


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