Where Have You Been All My Life? Ep8. Read Count : 191

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Romance
We  talk some more as we walk through the city .and we site see ,some of the architectural buildings. We walk by the museum, we see the old airplane exhibit and ,we also look at the old antique cars that are nearby the parkway."are you getting cold?" he asks. "no...not at all"  i say."i like  the rain! the chill doesn't bother  me as much,as it did when i was a little girl!"" really?" he says.." how so?" well, when I was 5 years old, I was diagnosed with asthma .and I had to watch How I played in bad weather because, of breathing problems my lungs were not, strong enough as of yet .and I could not play or do strenuous exercises .or play in certain kinds of weather because ,of my breathing conditions. I had to medicate myself twice-daily when sick. I had to also spend most of my time, during my childhood indoors until ,my lungs developed and I'd  healed.i was not like  other normal little girls." i said to him. "so  i see," he says "thats how come....now! you really cant stay in the house....cooped up like a hen  in a  hot hen house!" we both laughed!  "you had to get out of your apartment  for fresh air!"yup!"  i smile   at him. "i look at my watch and......"ooh  no! i have to get home! im sorry its late now! i must get rest for work tomorrow!"  no problem!" I'll   walk ya home...ok! where  ya live? just down  about aways..on  lakefront st." i tell him."LAKEFRONT!"  REALLY?   I STAY ON LAKEFRONT  TOO!my eyes widen to his voice! as we both hold hands and,start the  journey  home together.

more......from our next  ep 9.


  • Apr 24, 2017

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