Spice Of The Slaughter Slice Read Count : 91

Category : Scripts

Sub Category : Movies
    As the following fictional scene is so very similiar to the nonfictional days of my life, I thought it important to share it with the world. In my world, presently, no peace exists: only pandemonium. Why? Due to the fact that a select group of individuals (probably hiding out in another country) have taken it upon themselves to destroy my life by removing my "right to remain silent", my "freedom of speech", my "freedom of expression", and my "right to choose". In addition, these same individuals have extinguished my rights to having even a chance at "life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness". 
    In my world, as these individuals whom I appropriately refer to as the "Others" have taken any chance at my living a happy, normal life, I plan to take theirs: children first. How, you ask? Let me describe the bloody scene to you...
    The classroom is full of children, all carefully selected and plucked from their parents and homes. Why? Because these naughty children listen to their parents who encouraged them and even provided them the means through which to endlessly harass me. Drugged, aptly with chloroform, these children are now made to pay for their parents' sins, as is written in the Holy Christian Bible. These children are then brain-washed. Using mind control, they are forced to believe what thw truths that their parents willfully chose to keep from them. One group of 25 children, now students, is particulary ornery, refusing to obey, instead insisting on disobeying. They also see nothing wrong with this behavior. Soon, as fate would have it, they will have no choice but to accept that consequence is real as well as undeniable.
    The room is quieted for a moment's time, mid-lesson. It is right before noon on a Tuesday morning in the hills of Ireland. This place has been chosen for the specific reason held within the transportation means, which provides for helicopter and airplane landing and departure. No other human being (nor digital device) exists within at least 178 miles, in terms of measured circumference. Such seclusion makes for the ideal habitat in which to study human beings as children in their youth, as well as provide food, water, and testing facilities for all. What's more, such seclusion makes for an ideal location to transport dead human corpses, as this end is undeniably met by all disobediant children who believe themselves above consequence, truth, science, and/or math. 
    Back to the classroom... The teacher, played by myself, is enjoying the solace of silence (SOS=Son Of Sam) when three of the students- one boy, two girls- begin to chatter. Ignoring the requests to stop misbehaving, the three stand up and continue their banter as if they were lifted into another world. Fact is, they are about to descend into another world, one full of horrors neither their eyes nor their ears has ever before had the liberty to entertain. This other world, which is all too real, is known by most simply as "hell". 
    Back to the classroom... Continuing to ignore my requests to "be quiet" or to "sit down", these three student children unleash a never-before witnessed state of unrelinquishing release, one in which I am driven to systematically slaughter each of them: all right before the eyes and ears of the other students in the classroom. 
    For a moment, the clock can be heard ticking before the three begin to converse, when all of a sudden, nothing but high-pitched screams and animalistic cries are forced to enter the ears of myself-- as well as the other students in the classroom. Getting to the third child, I invite the other students in my classroom to carve, slice, and maim the last little girl. After all, she always seemed to have a way to torture others without believing she was wrong. This time, as we took her life slowly and secretly, the little girl would finally know she is, in fact, mortal afterall. But only after being tied up and forced to watch as I killed the first two disobedient students. To the delight of the other obedient students in the classroom, they would not be harmed except for the occasional blood splatter that hits the face at just the right angle...



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