The Dawn Read Count : 125

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
   As the dew arives to give that early drink and fresh fall aromas.
Here I sit... Skinny white pimp in hand
Drag after drag as my mind ponders...
Here I sit, quite, waiting for those rays
Pondering what today may have in store...

Here I sit... Just a puffn away... 
Just as that gold orb rises to great the day, a blanket of fog hugs the ground as to say... Not yet... Its not quite time.

So here I sit with throughts flowing... Things to be done, prioritiesing...
I wonder if she still has a space in that head of her's... As my box of her is full of questions with answers
Answers, but no reasons...excuses... I hope shes happy... I hope your healthy
I hope she has those moments of fond memories... Ill see you agin one day, for your love has and will always hold me...

So here I sit... Alone, becoming content and starting to find passion agin... Hoping one day are paths cross again but this time in a better place at a better time in both are journeys.
     You will always be my lioness, as I am and will always be your lion... Tell then...

Here I sit, day to day... Chin up, face to the wind to keep the main at bay while this sun peaks and I greet it with a long loud roar of longst passion... Hoping your looking at the same and in a good place surrounded by love. 
   So here I'll sit... Wishing, waiting, keeping a spot clear for you to sit at the table I serve called life. Waiting for the day we are complete again... Tell then....

Here I sit... And here I wait for my lioness to return... Or find her place
And I'll wait for you showed me
The great lioness is there....
One day I'll find my lioness...
Tell then.

Here I sit...
With patients in love...
Faith in time.
Dreams of a future, of a true pack.
So here I sit... 
A lion alone.
With pride, love, and loyalty for my pack... But no pack to call my own... Here I sit.
 . . Watching the sunrise
A humble lion... Alone but on watch.
Waiting for his lioness, with eyes wide,
Cautious... Trust, will not be... It wont
It cant be just given... She must fit the pack, and hold her own...
Waiting for her, to just be around.
No obligation, fear or dought...
Just be here in all her rawness, power and beauty... Tell then, I'll approach, but my chasing days are done, no more games or options open.
Its time... Like days of old, for family.
 to one day lead my pack I must.
Look to find my true lioness...
Willing to stand tall, proud, and loyol.
Standing side by side with this lion...
Ready to battle life... But life...
Life does whats best... In do time...

So many thoughts
So much to be said
Although as times has shown
If you do what you love
Love will always find you...
So with that in mind I digress.
Relax the monkey mind... Close eyes.
I am a great lion...
Ill show them all when I'm done. 
Tell then.
Ill be here....
As the lion I am.
Watching the sun rise...
Todays a new day.... 
Lets see what the horizon will bring...

Much love... From one drifting soul to the next.
May the beast with in reamain at peace and your monkey mind focused on the next steps in your path... Dont let wander... It maybe fun
But time is valuable, it never stops.
Time will show us all things... 
So like the lion in the shade
Conserving his strength and energy.
For when the time comes...
You'll be ready as the inner beast does what we have trained it for... 
        Just keep this last thing in the back of your head today... 
Its important the way we think
As to how we see and feel.
They say you are what you eat...
Same goes for your inner self...
It only becomes what we have made it to be... Your beast... Your choice
Its easy if you just let life take you...
Be free and youll see...
Good things take time...
In time good things become great.


  • Really good. You have a unique style.

    Nov 02, 2017

  • So beautifully descriptive. Reminds me of myself from another perspective. I look forward to reading more! :)

    Nov 02, 2017

  • Tyler Phillips

    Tyler Phillips

    Right?! its like people use it as a way to feel like they belong, a way to feel apart of something like they are affraid to be alone... its that monkey mind, people have trouble callming that lil guy down alone... well thats how I see it... :) @sidneyrandall

    Nov 02, 2017

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