Embrace The Beast, Become One. Read Count : 117

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"He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man."

Samuel Johnson

Seems like a straight forward stetment... Right? Well if you are open to it, take and chew on this for a min.

   We are all born good, life hasn't fucked us yet in any way to know any different... As time moves, people you look up to lie, cheat, steel... All the things we as a child knew to be just something you didnt do, is done all around you everyday... Its like people have tried telling you one way but its come quick to the front that thats all for show... Much like people depend on "God" or "religon" to help them live a "good" life... This is something that to me didnt make since even while I went to sunday school in my youth. As the years have past and I grew older I've come to see there are three things in society or as I call it "the human condition" that people do to try to show they are good... One is to be a loving open person who does right by the people around them and stays with in there circal. The other is that people cling to a religion and fallow it by the word, a scrip written by a man about a mythical person or persons in the sky that spoke to them and showed them the way... Third is the people who just love life, and the people in it, yet keeps to them self and does what is needed for them and the ones close to them. Now there are many other traites but these are the most prominent...
   Now back to the opening quote. people try so hard to be a good person or "man" and try to hide the beasts with in trying to push them aside and force in what is seen as acceptable, or treat people like they can do no wrong, getting walked on left and right, once agian showing why I feel religion is most peoples go to or scap goat when they cant stand alone and take lifes blows, I get that. Like crutches to help you walk with a broken leg, religion give people the support they ether dont have or have lost hope in there own inner light... So comes the "light" or "enlightenment" of a promise land where all is good and well... 
    Religion is easy and has a set list to live by, willing to forgive most things if not all as long as you pray for forgiveness and devot your life to this "higher power"... like itll just take it all away... To me that diesnt seem healthy or honest, like a fals since of hope, no "god" man, religion or belief can ever make your ugly sides fanish...You still have to live with your beasts from day to day, fighting them the whole way, showing them the real power they have over you, while they wait getting more and more worked up and ready to come out... As the saying goes run all you want but you cant hide... Just like all problems, it has to be dealt with. Understood. Controlled and over time trained to be apart of you, helping your true self become one with are inner self... Now If you just give love and give everyone the benefit, and trust that peoples intentions are for the best well... Your more then likely going to get walked over your hole life and wonder why people just use you and move on. When you become confortable and close with thw beast you will see when and where is best to let is show... While you let the pain of the man that once stood in your shoes...

Now, he who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man... Now I'm not saying to go out and reek havoc, go crazy and rape, plunder and pillage... This is where the morals kick in and become your beasts boundaries letting it know where the line is, training him to stay at bay watching, protecting, much like the barking dog at the fence gate... Saying you step over and I'll be waiting. So in this statment to it seems he is trying to say that we are all beasts and to let it be, its there to help you through the tough times when your mortal self is beat down and ready to give up, the beast is there to lift you, show you your still alive and can handle it all... Its there to show us all that there is a light and dark side to everything and one can not be with out the other.... Like a ying and yang all lofe must have balance... So I'll end with this... life is 90% how you take it and 10% what you make it... Its not what you say but how you say it... Try to be the light the guides those lost in the dark... Lead by action and fallow through, be the change you want to see... Show the world around you how bright your light can really shine :)

So remeber the next time you feel you need something more in your life take a step back, calm the monkey mind and listen to the beast. As there is life in death there is strength in weakness... So step up, be the reason you are here, no god or religion can ever give you the love of self worth that can only be gained by proving to yourself that once you just do you and have faith in yourself and get rid of the doughts and self pity of the human condition only then can you truly embrace the beast with in and use it to your benefit.

   You are the master of your universe, the are the artist of this canvas we call life, even when it looks like its to far gone and you wanna scrap it set it aside and come back to it, lifes not leaving... Just step back, go to your beast and put it to rest. for tomorrow is a new day full of new challenges. let the beast lead and let the human condition fade to for thought :)

Long but worth the thought, hope this helps in times of dought when you seem lost with no way out..  Much love peace and chicken grease!!! One love :)


  • So true. This one made me think about the everyday life. Religion kinda seems like an expression to show others who we are or maybe it's like an establishment of law and order.

    Nov 02, 2017

  • This is really good. A few spelling and grammatical errors but otherwise really good.

    Nov 02, 2017

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