Back Before The Hurt, The Dought. Read Count : 133

Category : Books-Non-Fiction

Sub Category : Biography
  Chapter 1: How it all started. The storys of the life of Curbside Prophet.

   When he was young it was as if the world just... Was, never wondering where it all came from or where its going... Life was simple... He saw at a young age that his family was different... For years he didnt know what it was tell mom brought home tony... This would be his first male influence of his life... It would set the begginings to how a man acts.

At this time he is reaching 3 and starting to gain cognitive thinking... This is when mom gets a job that will pull him out of what will later in his life come to be known as his place that he first knew happiness.

After the mom and tony had moved colton and him to a forgin place it soon becomes a place of what seems at the time to be the start to a new happy life... Little did he know the demons that brewed behind closed doors and out of his young ears.

Over the next year he will come to witness his mother be verbally and physically beatn on what seems to be over "money" still to young to fully grasp what was going, this is the beggining of his internal programing of the workong of a male and female relationship... After over 2 years tony packs up and leave... They where now back to 3... Mom gets a second job and so starts the parade of babysitters and trust issues. He begins to question people... As he turns 5 his mom says "they got a new house and will be moving in by weeks end". This will be the house they live in for is entire elementary years.

Shortly after the move he met Stephen and this wpuld be the summer that the bond that would last over 22 years would begin... They soon after meeting became inseparable and would be that way for years to come... By summers end the duo had made a good grouo of friends... This was the first memories he would have of the 9th street block... It would be the beginning of his new found freedom.

As the first year of school begins so does his personality and begins to see he isnt like other kids... Not longer after so does the school... As his friends go on he is told he is going to be placed in some special classes. Where he can get the help he needs... Not long after he is told thag he needs to see a doctor about not being able to focuse... Along came the pills and labels. This is when he begin to feel like and outcast and the beginning foundations for the walls and his demons inside begin to show and the momkey mind starts to charter.

Not long after the classes, then pills and being talked to by adults like he was slow, and said he was every name other then retarded he began to listen to the demons... This is when he began to act out and become, as they would later label him, a problem child.

By the 3rd grad he was being made fun of and picked on for being slow and nit having a dad. This was when he found the demons inside and they began to show him that you are what you make yourself and told him to shut up any person who said otherwise. By the end of 4th grad none dared make fun of him, this was the year he found out he only needed him self. 

As the 4th grad summer came to am end and he got even closer with his group of elementary friend he began to worry about the coming year. To his surprise this would be the first year he didnt feel left out and found the clown in him, as his Angel inside started to grow and the demon became less heard from... As 5th grade moved on and he became more confident the year was getting close to its end and all though he looked forward to his summer with the 9th st kids he know at the end of summer he has to start all over... Little did he know that this would be the summer he found his love for art and his pation for skating...

Evern further from his comprehension at the time this would also be the beginning of the dark rebal years... 

Chapter 2 will be coming soon.
Constructive feed back welcom.


  • very nice work :)

    Nov 02, 2017

  • Also really good but just check your spelling and grammar.

    Nov 02, 2017

  • Desire Gallo

    Desire Gallo

    Nice. You have a good voice and way to move the story along. Ever think of finding a copyeditor though? Someone who focuses on the grammer and syntax while you focus on getting the story out. I volunteer as it's something I enjoy. If you want email me your story before you publish. I'll go over it for free. Put "Copyediting" in the subject line. Happy Writing!

    Nov 03, 2017

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