Marster Of Blood Volume 1 Read Count : 131

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Drama
Chapter 1

Jericho was sitting on the steps of his front porch when suddenly he broke into a cold sweat. As the presence got colser his hart started to tighten in fear and excitement, he managed to get the strength to kneel as the presence was befor him. "Marster, long time?" He said in a slight teasingly but respectful manner. He looked up to see Nathaniel looking down on him with a slight nod to infer  he could stand. Jericho stood and opened the door to the house.

"Daddy, That you?" A teenaged girl with a baggy singlet and shorts on siad as she walked into the lounge to feel a strong presence that almost made her fall to her knees. Her father and a boy about her age were sitting in there across from each other. "Yeah, uh ok well this is..." Jericho started awkwardly then went silent. "Hmm ok this is Nathaniel my friends kid he'll be staying with us, ok?" He thought through what he said as to not make her upset or his Marster. "Ok cool, I'm josey nice to meet you." She was concerned but covered it with a cheerful welcoming smile and Nathaniel noded in agreement. Josey went to the kitchen forgetting her manners and yelled out if they wanted any tea after making them all tea she sat down. While drinking his tea Jericho noticed Nathaniel had a cut on his left hand. Nathaniel notice the worried eyes on him and liked the blood to show it was nothing but something didn't seem right to Jericho.

A few hours later when josey was making dinner Jericho and Nathaniel stood on the front steps looking out on the city scape in front of them. It looked as if Nathaniel was a god with his long hair blowing in the wind and red eyes glowing. 
"Yes Marster?"
"When did you have a sloe lover?"
"Oh well one of 'em got pregnant and I took the child as she wouldn't be able to give them the life I  could soo.... and well you left so I  thought it would be fine, is it?" 
He nodded.
"Marster are you leaving again?" Jericho said with a low hart. Nathaniel shook his head and looked Jericho eye to eye with the eyes of a friend. Nathaniel could tell what Jericho was going to say and looked away to avoide the subject.

Sitting at the table josey brought tje food and placed it in front of jerry and Nathaniel and her own seat. "Dig in kiddo." Jericho said as he took a bite from his baked potato. Josey nodded slightly and took a bite. "Ok alam bells, whats up with you today?"  Jericho said jokingly but with the concern of a parent. "Nothing I just had an argument with one of my friends.".Jericho noded and the room fell to silence for a few minutes while Nathaniel took his first bite of the meal, feeling the sower cream and cheese hit his tounge with a burst of flavor. He let out a soft almost silent sigh as he swallowed. "So will you ne attending my school?" Nathaniel noded absent mindedly still in joying the taste of the food. "Ok i'll get your room set up then you may go to sleep if you wish," Jericho stated getting up from his seat and grabbing all the empty plates. "Also school's tomorrow missy so get to bed.".

Awhile later after Jericho had cleaned the secret room he had kept for when his marster would return. after he gave up on searching for him as jerry knew he would find him when the time was right. Nathaniel was sitting on his coffin sipping a cup of overly sugared tea. Feeling the inevitable he looked up just as Jericho spoke. 
"Marster, what did you do? It was 1136 years Marster." Jericho spoke with soft eyes as if about to cry.
Whem Nathaniel didn't respond Jericho grabbed his hand knelt down and vowed to never let anouther scratch be placed on his body and if there was he would not hesitate to kill the thing that did it to Nathaniel.

( just a little note I totally deleted this on accident and cried for five minutes  but then I remembered I sent it to a friend so I didn't have to cry for five minutes)

Chapter 2

In the morning a few days later Josey was making herself a snack and doing the last math question of her homework. While running around the kitchen to find a pen her father Jericho came in with Nathaniel wearing a different suit then usual which was wird in itself wearing a suit in the summer. It took awhile for her to realize that he was wearing a uniform from her school. 'Oh are you coming to school today?' Nathaniel noded at Joseys question. 
'Didn't I mention it,'Jericho thought aloud. 'Well anyways yeah he'll be in your class so you will have to help him get adjusted.'
'Couldn't you do that you are my homeroom teacher.' Josey added it not thinking about what she said. 'Ops ok yeah I'll do it.' She corrected her actions after she got the side eyes from her dad.

At the front of the school gates Josey was explaining how much homework she has amd that he'll habe to catch up on almost every thing, a girj walked up behinde them and gave josy a big hug from behind. when she actually fell from the strong power of Nathaniel that she didn't realize wpuld have such an effect on her. 
"Hey girly." Came a fermelier tease from behind Josey. Turning around to hug them back exclaimed from excitement replied, 'Hi Oltre!'
'Ok who is this? Are you cheating on me darling?'
'Oh no never, this Nathaniel he is staying with my father and I and he will be in our class starting today.' Josey spit out of shock, Olter burst into laughter at the answer she got. After she calmed down she greeted Nathaniel and then the new tro of friends went off to class.

"Good mornin' class today we have a new student," Jericho started as he opened the door for Nathaniel to come into the room. "Please treat him nicely his name is Nathaniel he is new to the country and doesn't know the customs very well, would you like to take the seat next to Coby please." Jericho pointed to a seat next to the window near the back of the class next to a boy with a big coat over his uniform. Nathaniel walked to the seat and the room fell into alow buzz of gosip questions and excitement over this new version of beauty seating in the class. The boyed named Coby Introduced himself to his surprise he got no response from the long haired boy next to him. Josey spun around 'Nathaniel doesn't talk much so you need to read his expression, I think.'
'Oh well nice to meet you I'm Jason.' A voice from the boy next to Coby interrupted. Nathaniel could tell Jason was a hunter and stayed on guard even though Jason most likely wasn't good enough to see through Nathaniels magic necklace hiding his power. 'But what could a hunter be doing here, maybe it's just he's blood line that are hunters.' Was the thoughts going through his mind as they were trying to get his attention 'Hey Nathaniel! It's brake we can go eat, Nathaniel?' Olter was able to get his attention. Nathaniel noded and the group of kids left for the cafeteria. 

Sitting at the table josey brought her and Nathaniels food. Nathaniel had found a different thing to think about on Olter's neck when she noticed him looking and poped her collar then looked the other way. 'Why would he look at my birthmarks' Olter wondered as Nathaniel had his own questions. 'She's a victim that surived but whose, is that why the hunter is here did she hire him?'.'Ok so do you know why his stay with you?' Coby asked. 'Yeah he's dad and mine are friends but i don't know why he has to live with us.' Josey replied in a kinnda whiny tone. 'You just don't like knowing things control freak chill out you know how many of the girls from school would love to be in your shoes.' Olter said treaseingly.
"You know I think it's cool but last time I checked I had a girlfriend that I love." Josey replyed as she lent over the table to kiss Olter on the forehead.

Chapter 3

On the back from home school the group went passed a back street as they thought it would be a shortcut to Olter's house. When they entered the alleyway the group were surprised to see a muscular man and a petite girl around their age there. 'Maybe there coseplaying.' Wispered Olter because the girl was in a maides outfit.
'She could work at that Caffè a few blocks from here' Coby replied.  
'Wait were is Nathaniel?' Jason queried.
'Oh no' they all said in unison taking thier eyes of the two before them.
'He must have got lost.' Josey whined.

At Jericho's house Nathaniel came to the door and Jericho opened it. Nathaniel walked in and sat in the seat he did like usual amd Jericho went to get him a cup of tea. 'Six surgers and....a drop.. of blood' Jericho mumbled as he made his marster tea. 
'Yes Marster. '
'Do you sense it too?'
'No.. sir, wait!' Jericho jumped up and grabbed his coat. Opening the door, 'Marsters first.' Jericho joked as Nathaniel and himself left the house.

The sun was already setting as the duo jumed from rooftop to the next with fashion and flair. Stopping at the outskirts of the city at an expensive looking mansion. 
'And here we are I'm pretty sure I haven' had to do this in awhile.' Jericho joked laughing a bit. 'This is gonna be fun just like the g'old days huh Marster?' Nodding Nathaniel jumping down to the door with Jericho just behind. 

'Should we knock or break it down?' Jericho siad as he looked to his marster. without warning Nathaniel knocked on the door. A quite comming came from the other side of the door, a little while after the grand doors flung opened to reveal a petite girl in a petite maids outfit. A weak 'Welcome.'  Came from the girl as she curtsyed. The trio walked through what seemed like a maze of corridors till the girl opened a grand door like the ones at the entrance and let Nathaniel and Jericho inside. 

'Ah April you let our geust in,' came a boom from a man sitting on the other side of the room. 'So.... are you here for your friends kids?' He said teasingly as April walked to his side.
'Who are you calling kids?' Jericho replied with a sassy tone.


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