He Will Pay
Read Count : 84
Category : Adult
Sub Category : Graphic novel
It was a muggy, lifeless day. I was making my way to another one of my counseling sessions, that I was pressured into from the start. My step mother and my father thought it would be good for me. I never wanted to go. I always seemed to drag myself out of the warm comfortable bed, and put on some clothes. Gathering my notebooks, pen, keys and purse I walk out the door. As I make my way down the street to the bus stop it had just began to sprinkle. Sitting down on the almost broken, dirty, paint chipped bench. I open my notebook and began a new entry. Four pages into my writing and the bus finally showed up. I waited for it to make a complete stop before standing. As women in high hills, men in suits, and students off to class made there way to there seats. I was what I thought to be the last on the bus. I made sure I sat as far away from everyone as possible. People made me afraid. As the bus began to shut it's doors with a squeaky noise. I heard a mans voice yelling. "Hold the bus, hold the bus!" This guy looked to be in his late 20's nicely dressed in a black suit and green tie. He had a freshly shaved face, he smelled of after shave, mint, and coffee. This man sat in the seat across from me. He smiled my way and introduced his self as Marcus. He stuck out his hand out for me to shake and asked what my name was. I payed him no mind and continued to write. I could feel him staring at me. It made me very uncomfortable. Even though my stop was not for another four blocks. I pulled the rope above my head. Eager to get off that bus. In such a rush to get away, I grabbed my purse, keys phone and pen. Once off the bus i took a deep breath. I felt a since of relief. I waited at the second bus stop. I dug in my purse to get my notebook. I started to panic. Realizing it was not in there. Please don't tell me I left it on the seat. I was starting to have a panic attack. It has all of the entries in it from all those times he did those awful things to me. No one needs to read that. Ugh how could I have been so stupid and forget it. My personal thoughts are in there. Why couldn't I have left my keys or purse. Of course my luck is someone will see it and read my entries. I've got to get my journal back. Marcus sat on the bus dumb founded. What did he say or do? Did he stink? Smelling his self...'nope'. Then whstever made her get off the bus so quickly. She looked panicked. He then looked in the direction she sat just moments ago. He noticed a small red notebook. The one that's half the size of a spiral notebook parents buy for kids during school. It has over 400 pages in this small fragile book. Marcus quickly grabbed it. He wanted desperately to know what this beautiful woman had to hide. Maybe it would give him a chance to see her again. He was so excited and nervous. He couldn't wait to get home. Marcus looked and noticed no one was paying attention to him. They were all in there little worlds. On phones, working, listening to music. One more dreadful stop to go. He thought. Hurry up, come on. He gathered up all of his belongings making sure to leave nothing behind. He pulled the rope, the bus slowed to a stop in front of a tall brick set of apartments. Marcus stepped off and headed through the dim lit doorway. He turned to the left took out his keys and checked his mailbox labeled 23B. Nothing but bills. Great. Marcus thought. Making his way to the flights of stairs because the elevators were down due to construction of new apartments being built. After a long haul up the stairs he finally made it to his door. APT. 23B on the door The notebook now felt like it weighs 50 pounds in his hand. Opening the door he stepped inside. Put his keys in the wooden bowl which sat beside his door on a small round table. He hung up his jacket on the hooks. Locked his door. Making sure to lock the dead bolt also. To be continued.....
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