Kesley The Werewolf
Read Count : 131
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Childrens
Dear, Diary Hi I'm Kesley and I am a werewolf. I do not know how I became a WereWolf. But here's the story. It was a Sunday morning. I was playing my game when my mom said "come for dinner." I went to wash my hands. When I looked in the mirror I was frozen. I had ears and a tail. I screamed in my mouth. My mom was coming up. When I finally heard her I ran into my room locked the door. My mom was worried when I didn't come out so I came out. The horror I saw in my moms face was horrific for me. I screamed as I saw the horror. I slammed the door and locked it as my mom still shocked was stuck in that position. My brother had came into my room and pulled my ears and I screamed and he cut the right one off. That's the backstoey for my Halloween costume.
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