She Is ... Read Count : 109

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance
Leaves leaving the tree as the wind blows on her skin, she was standing alone as she froze waiting for him. The sun was progressively rolling away to set as he was forgetting & forfeiting her love. She was patient, excitedly waiting for him with no sign of giving up.

She had expected no disappointment because her faith was unlimited. 

It blew, it blew, still she stood because her heart also, knew no doubt. Her beauty didn't fade with the cold blow of an ungentle wind; no, it wasn't fake. 

It was getting late but he on the other side was getting laid with another lady. He didn't realize the pain, for then he was tamed by his desires of the flash. 

But her, she stood as her unchanging moods started to get altered by the setting of the sun, the fading of the horizon. 

She, eventually knew no patience, but thoughts attracted her mind as she started drawing & lining up excuse for him.

She, after all, still in love ...
She is what he can never have for he had stood her willing love in the cold air of that evening.

She is the love he will never taste

Yes, she is.


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