Where Have You Been All My Life? Ep25. Read Count : 141

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Romance
After doing a little window shopping  i decide to look in the mirror  at myself....." oh my! this just wont do! so i go to  JOHN'S SOLON Boutique. just on the way to meet  mom. "ello my pretty  " he says. " hey johnnie boy" i smile and give my girly finger wave at him." long time no see huh?" i say" ya!" he says to me. " so johnnie....i want something  new different!" what would you suggest!" he looks at me with his hand on his chin and says...hmmmmm......"have seat!  i got just  what you need!"he lays my head back into the sink.gives me a,Ogilvie  sassy perm ! washes it out,then set  n dry  and  new color." If you ever been in a salon beautique before you know that, conversation about one's personal love life always seems to come up .John and me talk about Angelo .and I tell him of ,the past dates that we have had together .he seems to think that Angelo,is  a good person to be with. I keep telling him "you'll have to meet him sometime soon ."then he turns the chair towards the mirror for me to see myself after he is done. "OH!  NICE WORK JON JON" i call him  it looks  fabulous!" he says...i give him my credit card  ...he swipes  and im on my way.  looking fresh.


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