The Room
Read Count : 145
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Drama
“I thought we were going out for lunch, Mr. Kane?” Rayna eyes darted around the cheap hotel room. It looked like a time warp into the 70’s with the stripped covered beds and retro shag carpet. Rayna’s eyes followed the man who brought her to this isolated trap. He turned to her, his hungry gaze raked her body. “Miss Taylor, I thought we could discuss your future in a more relaxed setting. “Walking to the matching mini fridge in corner, he said, “Besides, I don’t do well with making important decisions in stuffy restaurants.” Rayna searched for exits. There was a door to the cement deck, but freedom was blocked off a towering wooded fence. Her palms were sweaty. She pulled down the bottom of her midnight black skirt to just above her knees. Rayna searched for something to sit on besides the dreaded mattresses covered in stripes. she breathed deep when she spotted a vinyl armchair and scooted over to it like her last line of defense against Mr. Kane’s intentions. He frowned at her move. The man of power made his way to one of the beds and sat to the side. He stretched out his hand that clasped a mini bottle of charcoaled filtered vodka. “Here, drink this. It will quell your nerves.” Rayna gazed at the bottle. her eyes darted from the bottle to where he sat. She put up her hand and shook her head. “I’m not much of a drinker, Mr. Kane, but thanks.” He shrugged, opened a bottle of whisky, and downed it. He tossed the plastic container on the floor then eyed Rayna. “Miss. Taylor. The movie business is hard to break into. People come from miles around to California, hoping to make it. Do you want to know what happens to most of them?” Ranya’s eyes widened. Her hands clenched into fist on her lap, watching him unbutton his shirt. He went on. “They end up on the streets or whoring themselves out to raking eyes so they can eat that night.” He rose from the bed. She tried to shrink into the chair. “What I am saying, Miss. Taylor, is that I can make you or break you. It’s all up to you. And if you want to have your name on that Walk of Fame, then you know what to do.” She smelled his breath as he strolled over to where she was. It reeked of liquor. She clenched the arm rests. She was eye level with his almost-exposed groin. He was within inches of her. He leaned down and peered into her eyes. “Well, what is it going to be? The bed,” he turned his head to the bed then eyed her, “Or the door?” Rayna eyes welled up. He made a lustful grin while glancing down at her exposed cleavage. She examined him, then the bed, and at last the door. In two seconds, Rayna went from victim to victor. She shoved him away from her. He teetered as he lost his balance and landed ass-first on the carpet. She got up from her chair. Glaring down at him, she replied. “I choose self-respect. I know my worth and sleeping with you is beneath me. I’ll make it because I’m good with my acting not because I’m good on my back.” He crawled to the bed and tried to pull himself up. She was at the door. He growled and yelled, “You will never make it because you don’t have what it takes. I’ll make sure you never work in this town again.” He kept shouting but it was to an empty room.
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