A Silent Goodbye1 Read Count : 152

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
It started off a little like this. I woke up one morning with the bright sun beeming in my eyes and I could barely see. I looked around and listened I heard nothing dead silence. I can usually hear my two brothers yelling at each other or my mom making breakfast while yelling at them. I went downstairs and I didn't see anyone I couldn't smell anything either. I went upstairs and nobody was there for some reason when I looked in my moms room I got memories of when I was a kid flashing before my eyes. I tried to to look at my hands but I didn't have any I didn't even have feet either. I rushed to the mirror and I saw nothing I WAS INVISIBLE!  I screamed at the top of my lungs and started crying thinking to myself "this must be a dream right?" WRONG! I ran downstairs looking everywhere to see if I was dreaming but everywhere U went I saw memories all of them were good until I went downstairs and I had a memory of me being pushed downstairs by an all black figure. As I got closer to the bitten of the stairs they got worse. I was getting stabbed repeatedly by the figure and then the figure ran upstairs and I heard the door slam after he knew I was dead. I opened my eyes and where he stabbed the body of mine was MY BODY! I think I know where I am and what happened and it was a sad way to go I thought to myself. I was killed and now I am a ghost in heaven I think maybe I haven't crossed over because I need to find out who killed me. I felt like I was in a movie but I wad sad and still confused. I tried going outside but I couldn't so I pushed the door open and as soon as I did my family came in. They were all crying and my brothers weren't fighting for once. They were sad so I got sad to but I was more sad I mean I wad the dead one here. A few hours past after that and I read some books and watched a few things about ghosts. I learnt that I need to take a bone with me if I wanna go far. I flew downstairs cause im a ghost so yeah I grabbed a bone and wrote goodbye on every mirror in my house with my dark red special lipstick. It was my Silent Goodbye.


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