#115 A WINDOW Read Count : 96

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
We lived in a big house on the corner of the street.
Out of the bay window beautiful scenes we would greet.
At night time, as soon as it started in to snow,
We’d watch out the window at it coming down so slow.
Then in the morning we’d run to the window to take
In the most beautiful view that almost looked fake.
But soon the streets warming were starting to slush,
And car after car got stuck in the mush.
Some were sliding to the corner or maybe right through.
Others bogged in and were at a loss as what to do.
Boys were pushing and collecting their dollars,
As people in cars would send out their hollers.
Sometimes an accident would happen before our eyes,
And then a tow truck was needed from the big guys.
Finally, the snowplow would come do its job,
And the exciting view would disperse with the mob.
Soon the snow shoveled was dirty and quite a mess,
And our day of watching out the window was put to rest.


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