Where Have You Been All My Life? Ep22 Read Count : 131

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Romance
I slump in my seat and throw my head into my hands."oohh  noooo! "  HOW AM I GONNA COMPLETE  SOOOOO MUCH WORK  BY MYSELF!!  UHHGG!!i start to moap! and feel depressed! maxine  was right...im more than qualified  for the job.i have 2yrs. marketing skills 3 yrs.of designing1/2 yrs of editing and 1 yr of technical engineering Electronics computerization. but..its all that time...that plays a factor in getting it done.5 seasons!!!  at that. i immediately feel weary of my abilities to perform such feats my self-worth and confidence starts to sink my self-esteem lowers two a humble little bug. finally i scream!  " AAAAAHHHHHH!!! "  SOO LOUD THAT,  the other employees  take notice..and come to see if i was ok." yes  yes" im fine"  i say to them.  brushing them off out of my office. I finally get up the nerve to call Angelo .and when I call him, I hear he's sweet and calming voice .I tell him that I need to talk with him. that I need someone to comfort me .his office is just down the street! Angelo also works as ,a architect designer! so I would like him to ,give me some pointers or information on how to complete this work  assignment . and he shows up immediately in my office to comfort me. 


  • Apr 26, 2017

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