Dont Put Yourself Down Read Count : 134

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
The person you wake up as in the brightness of the morning, is you.

The person you go to sleep as in the darkness of the night, is you.

If you put yourself down just think: why. You are a person as well as everyone around you. If they put you down, their either jealous or stupid. You are a wonderful person who has a life a life that you live right now. If they bully you there clearly not living their life as a good person. No one is perfect. If they make fun of you because your different, then laugh because they are all the same. Sometimes your like a glowstick, you have to break before you shine. There is no path to happiness, happiness is the path.


  • Optical Waffle

    Optical Waffle

    cool nook haaahaaaahaaa NOT JEST KIDING

    Nov 12, 2017

  • amazing writing

    Nov 12, 2017

  • thanks guys, treat others as you want them to treat you.

    Nov 12, 2017

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