#109 CHRISTMAS TREE Read Count : 125

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Around the Christmas tree I gather to decorate.
A job that when done I hope will be first rate.
I put each ornament onto a wire hanger,
Some beautiful; some with meaning as does the manger.
The first things that go on are the strands of lights,
Glowing and glimmering to brighten the nights.
Some of the ornaments are special you see,
Because they were hand made especially for me.
Some I made myself with so much pleasure,
Like Noah’s animals of the ark that I treasure.
As I sit and admire the tree now all done,
Many memories come back to me of such fun,
Warming my heart of the gift of God’s only son
Whose life He gave for our sin battle to be won.

© Copyright 1997 by Jean E. Gorney


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