Outsiders Introduction: Life As A Rogue.
Read Count : 110
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Fantasy
Spot opened his eyes and blinked at the bright sunlight shining through the entrance to his den. He rose to his paws and kicked a piece of dry leaf from his leg. The scent of rabbit flooded his mouth as he tasted the air. Padding out from the abandoned fox hole, he fluffed up his fur. It was a chilly leaf-fall morning but the growling of his stomach kept him going. He sniffed the air once more and followed the rabbit scent to a feild of grass. Spotting a fluffy white tail instinctively drew him into a hunters crouch. He stalked through the tall grasses, freezing each time the rabbit searched the feild for any sign of danger. Licking his lips as the rabbit went back to eating a piece of grass, he seized his opportunity and lunged for it. Digging his claws into it's flanks, he reached forward and ended it's life with a swift bite to the neck. Spot quickly finished his kill and padded back to his den. This was life as a rogue. No need to save the prey to share with you're clanmates. No getting bossed around. But sometimes he felt lonely without having the presence of other cats around. Laying down in his nest of leaves, Spot sighed. This is the life of a rogue.
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