Love At First Sight Read Count : 112

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Romance
When I was 11 going into high school I was walking to school. This boy caught my eye. He had golden blonde short hair and a deathening smile. He was so cute I ran up to him and asked for his name."Gareth,he replied, but you can call me Gaz." He smiled at me. My eyes were dreaming of me and him flirting and bonding out together. On a cruise or in a fancy restaurant or maybe even prom. I sighed. I had never found love so quick before. But then I saw him with this other girl. My dreams were being knocked down by a bulldozer. "So what's your name?" Gaz asked the girl."Emily" Emily smiled. I was so upset my dreams were over my life was over. I walked over to him."I thought you loved me" I said starting to cry. Gaz was fairly confused."Uh.... I...never.. said that!" Gareth went red. "This is my sister" he replied. He was nervous."No I'm not!" Emily stormed off.


  • Megan Leah

    Megan Leah

    thanks for rating

    Nov 11, 2017

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