The Divided Read Count : 137

Category : Books-Non-Fiction

Sub Category : Politics
America the greatest country on this planet where ideas and opinions are free to be expressed and power of the government rests on the majority is now threatened with division. let's face it we are our worst enemy right now. the left propaganda pushed through our media making us distrustful of our own source's of information. leftist sub groups such as social justice warriors femenists and BLM supporters flooding our internet with bullshit blogs and protesting for rediclus and retarded demands. the right constantly battleing for control against the left just adding more fuel to the fire rather then being the solution. Open your eyes America it is not the left or the right that is the problem It is our division that is our problem we are slowly but surely forgetting the most important thing WE ARE ALL AMERICANS. mean while our enemy's Russia and Syria and NK all laugh at us and they might infact be right to do so. I mean here we are the most powerful nation in the world and we are so busy fighting each other over stupid things like "transgender bathrooms" or "social acceptance" meanwhile NK keeps threatening us and developing nukes, Russia keeps slaughtering Ukrainians and China keeps out marketing us and expanding there economy we do NOTHING about it. and on top of doing nothing we faught each other over the very system most pepole are to stupid to realize that as a Demeoacy we the pepole  control it. people are the ones that make the decisions. if the system faills us it's not due to Trump or a politician it is because us as a nation failed ourselves. if the system works then it means we as a pepole made it work. but I wonder sometimes how can we be a pepole when all we due is divide. if we don't come together real soon then we might not have an America and our foes will have won. please don't let the Enemy win for if they win then you lose. please let America be united not divided.  


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