Where Have You Been All My Life? Ep 16. Read Count : 143

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Romance
We come out of the ,five star rooftop Hotel restaurant and then, it begins to rain. and I say oh pooo !and Angelo asks me well" what's wrong"? now then I say," it is raining my dance night is ruined !"he then proceeds to pull out of his pocket and extending umbrella. he gives it to me and then he  bows before me in the rain."ooh! aren't  you...quite the the gentleman." i say to him smiling. and he asked me my lady may I have this dance"? I kindly curtsey him and, extend my hand to his he then ,proceeded to take the umbrella with one hand and then with his other hand pulls me towards him into his arms. and we danced ,and we danced in the rain very romantically looking at one another's eyes. spinning and swirling around in the rain he then, proceeds to speak to me ,in the most romantic manner  I've ever heard." I don't like you for your looks. But I fell in love ,with you because of your personality. I can't place anyone above you but ,I can place myself above you, not to be a master but ,to be your shield and always protect you. There are ,only two times that I want to be with you… Now and Forever. Nothing is perfect, but when I'm with you everything is perfect. I could conquer the world with just one hand as long as you were holding the other. Life can give us lots' of beautiful persons, But only one person is enough for a beautiful life… I can live without any friends, any family and any money but I can't live without you. you have my heart can I have yours?"    i look into his aqua ocean blue eyes...........and......

click  ep 17


  • Apr 26, 2017

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