The Storm
Read Count : 115
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Fantasy
Dark clouds loomed overhead, covering up the afternoon sun. Lightning flashed across the sky, lighting up the open field. Two stallions stood across from each other, tossing their heads. They were mirror images, in all but color. The first stallion was black. Around his hooves, the grass was wilted and dying. Lighting flashed brightly off his pelt. His coal black eyes glistened with his hatred of the stallion before him, his tail dragging the ground behind him. The second was such a pure white that he appeared to glow, even in the darkness. One glance into his ice blue eyes could fill your heart with pure joy and happiness. Around his almost silvery hooves, the green grass was taller than the rest, and much brighter in color. The lightning bolts grew brighter as they rose in the air, and thunder boomed overhead as their hooves clashed together. They danced across the field, bodies clashing together. Everywhere they went, chaos followed. Flowers grew, only to have death meet them seconds later. Plants wilted, only to find new life as the white stallion passed them. Rain began to fall, refreshing their now sweaty pelts with cold drops. And still they fought, even as blood began to drip from their wounds. Neither stallion tired, neither stallion would give in to the other. As their battle continued, so did the storm. Strong winds began to blow, nearly causing the trees in it's path to uproot. Thunder clashed as hooves struck hooves again. Weakness could finally be seen as the stallions began to tire. Small tendrils of black smoke swirled around the black stallion's hooves as he backed away. Light blue tendrils, like that of the sea, followed the black, caressing the silver hooves of the white stallion. The smoke swirled together, weaving around each other as if in a battle of it's own. Soon, the stallions were gone, and all that remained was the smoke, and a revived battlefield. The storm began to settle down, as the smoke traveled out of sight. Clouds parted, and the bright sun shined down once again. The battle was over. Once again, the battle between good and evil had been fought. Neither can win, yet they must spend their existence keeping the other at bay. One cannot exist without the other, and yet they cannot exist as one. Life is Death. Good is Evil.