Unforgivable Read Count : 142

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
Chapter One:
I was being watched. 
I am not sure where from, but I could feel their pericing eyes. I spun around trying to find the person that had been staring at me, but in the middle of a city centre it would be hard to tell. I began to walk faster, it almost become a Sprint. The eyes still watched my every move. It was like daggers ready it kill me. 
"I have to move!" I screamed inside of my head, when I had realised I had hit a dead end of a long alleyway. A shadowy figure stood before me. It grinned baring its teeth at me. 
This thing was going to kill me, I was going to die in a gutter. 
I looked around for a way out, but it was pointless. My head was racing, before I could do anything I screamed "I'm not going to die here!" 
He laughed at me, as if he was trying to amplify my already high fear. 
"I'm not going to kill you." His voice sound flat almost monotone. He stepped forward, closing me in. 
So began my life in the hands of this monster.


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