Edge Of Space Chapter 5: Lilly Read Count : 133

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Science Fiction
(Sorry I haven't been on in quite a while, I was busy with exams and other things and just didn't get anytime to write) 

I follow Ethan, cautiously, keeping an eye on our surroundings. "I'm going to hang back to make sure nothing happens to the ship," Lea says over our headsets, "alright, stay safe and contact us of anything happens," Ethan responds. "Same to you," Lea says as he walks back towards the ship. Ethan and I continue towards a strange looking rock formation, which looks like someone carved out a circular hole into the side of a hill. "That doesn't look natural," I say softly as we walk into the hole, "it could be what's left of a lava tub, I mean, what else could have possibly created this?" Ethan shrugs. I roll my eyes, "the rocks would be smoother if that was the case, these look carved," I say. "I'll take some more readings, but I'm telling you, if there was life here, it's long gone and there's no way there's a struc-," he says before being cut off by static coming through the head set, "...get...hurry...we need to leave," Lea calls out, barely understandable thanks to the static, sounding like he's starting to panic. Ethan and I run as fast as the low gravity will allow, making it back to the ship where Lea's waiting just outside the hatch. "What's wrong?" I ask, slightly out of breath, "there's something big coming, it's either an astroid or some kinda ship, neither one whould be good for us to run into," he says, leading us back into the ship. 
As we're taking off I watch out the front window for a glimpse of whatever's causing the sensors to go crazy. Lea flips a few switches and speeds forward as a large space cruiser emerges from a worm-hole. "What..." Ethan says in surprise, "I'm getting a communication signal, but it's not like anything I've ever seen before. I mean the frequencies are off the charts, I'm not sure if these are even radio waves..." He says, excitedly before being cut off by Lea, "enough with the nerd babble, can you understand it?" I watch, noticing that the ship has completely stopped. "Give me a minute," He sighs, typing furiously on the small keyboard in front of him, "got it, 'state your business and prepare to be brought on board' What should I tell them?" Ethan asks looking at Lea, "just tell them the truth, we're looking for a new home for our people," He shrugs, acting way too calm in a situation like this. "They're going to abduct us, shouldn't you be a bit concerned?" I ask, probably a bit too harshly, "why should I, they haven't blown us to pieces yet, plus they might be able to help. Besides, that's not a battle cruiser, there's no guns on it." I shake my head and hold onto the engine hatch handle as we're jerked towards the mystery ship. 
Everything goes dark except for the few terminal lights in front of Lea, bathing him in a bluish green light, as we enter the alien cruiser. "Do you really think they'll be friendly?" Ethan asks softly as Lea stands up, "I don't know, just make sure not to get on their bad side, and let me do the talking," He shrugs. "What if they can't understand us? I doubt they studied English," I sigh, shaking my head as I get up and follow them out of the ship and into a large loading bay Area where a tall human creature with pale, almost glowing blue skin, is waiting. "Hello?" Lea says cautiously once we're within earshot. The creature makes a low pitched gurgling noise and offers what looks like three sliver headset, "I think it wants us to use these somehow," Lea says, taking one and hooking it over his right ear, fixing the mouthpiece, Ethan and I do the same thing, after looking at each other in confusion. "With these, you'll be able to communicate despite language barriers," The creature says, their voice sounding deep and rich through the earpiece. "Thank you, but if you don't mind me asking, what are you and what are you going to do with us?" Lea asks, arching an eyebrow. "My name is difficult for Earth dwellers to pronounce, so call me Qui, I do not plan on skiing anything with you, I'm just curious about what would bring anyone out to this end of the universe, I also have an interest in studying the different races that are found across the universe, there's about seventy three in this half of the universe that my people, the Agi, have identified." I look around at the interior of the ship, impressed with how smooth and clean the grey walls look and how new the technology seems, like it was recently built or has rarely been used, not that interested in the conversation at hand. "We're out here trying to find a new planet for humanity, ours is dying fast," Lea tells them and they nod, "of course, of course, I, personally don't know of any Eath-like planets that are uninhibited by intelligent life, but I'll take you to my home planet so you can ask the Elders, if anyone would know, they would." Lea nod, "thank you, Qui, I never introduced myself, I'm Lea, that's Ethan, and that's Lilly," I look over when I hear my name, having been slightly zoned out, but having caught the basics of the conversation. "Right, then, I'll show you to the guest quarters there's only two bedrooms on the ship, so you'll have to share one," They say, leading us out of the bay and into a small hallway. After about five minutes of walking in a single file line, Qui stops and slides open a door, "please enjoy, there's a shower down next-door, if you need it," They say, leaving us. I take off my headset once we're in the room and the others do the same, "do you think we can trust 'em?" Ethan asks, "we're going to have to, but just to be on the save side, put the headsets somewhere where they can't pick up our voices," Lea says, scratching the back of his head before pulling out his short ponytail and letting his raven black hair fall around his face. I do the same with my bun and sit on one of the beds, laying down with a sigh, "at least we'll get a good nights rest," I say softly. Lea grabs the headsets, "if nobody has any objections, I'm gonna put these in the shower room and have a shower while I'm over there," I nod, yawning softly as I drift off. 


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