Confronted Read Count : 176

Category : Notes/work

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A letter from my fiance......

I am so proud of you Trish. She confronted Joseph on why he did that to you. His only response was "I did two years over that" that was his answer. Goes to show you how sick people really are. Trish is doing a life time of dealing with this. I stand beside trish through all of this. I love this woman with my heart and soul. I can't wait until April to put a ring on her  finger and say "I DO".

I love you my Trish


  • very sweet..but can u detail a bit

    Nov 08, 2017

  • my fiance writes me letters and notes everyday and i am getting married next year too. im excited too. i hope you have a great wedding april.

    Nov 15, 2017

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