#63 CAN'T REMEMBER Read Count : 139

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
I'm sitting here trying to remember I say
What was I going to do today?
Was I going to hang wash out on the line?
Or did I have to be some place at a certain time?
Did I thaw something out to make for dinner?
Was I going out to eat I say as I sit getting thinner?
Headed up the stairs as I get to the top.
What did I come here for I say as I stop?
I'll remember later I say as I go back down.
Don't know why this step climbing doesn't lose me a pound.
Was I heading to bed, or did I just get up?
I know I'm no spring chicken or even a pup.
So I'll just sit here and drink my cup of tea
Until what I'm doing comes back to me.

© Copyright 1997 by Jean E, Gorney


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