The Angel Of Hope (Chapter 1, Part 3) Read Count : 133

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Adventure
The nice lady didn't keep me. Right after she made sure I was well fed, she left me at an orphanage. She layed me there in the front door, and before she left she put her hand on my little sleeping face. And she whispered.....
Lady: "I am so sorry. But please don't lose your hope, stay strong my little one. I am sorry.....sorry."
Tears fell from her eyes as she ran away. 

This little boy came out from the orphanage and he saw me there. He right away picked me up and looked around to see if there is anyone. But there wasn't.
Little boy: "So you are alone? Just like me? Don't worry, you will get use to it, just like i did."
He walked in with me in his arms. This place will be my new home.

(As years go on)

There where few other kids there, like 3 or 4 more. The little boy who helped me was the oldest. Everyone called him "Big Brother". He took care of everyone, he even had a job and he only looked like he was 10 maybe even younger. His name was Cody. The lady who takes care of all of them was mean and cruel. Her name was Ms.Rasbach. She used all the kids as her slave. And she was always drunk. She used all the money she earn from taking care of us to buy more alcohol and drugs. She also would hurt us whenever she felt like it. Big Brother always made sure i didn't get hurt. He always was there for me, and never let me go. He would hold my hand when we are outside. He would use himself as a shield when Ms.Rasbach would go crazy. He was the best Big Brother!!! I hoped that he would never go away, but good things never happen to me....never.

By:Daisy Vasquez


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