#45 MY DAD Read Count : 109

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
From my Dad I remember many fine things,
Especially all the old songs that he sings.
I could ask him as I’m humming a song,
And he’d know the words and start singing along.

Sometimes in the garden when I learned so much.
We’d weed and pick bugs off of all of the lush,
For in Dad’s garden things grew big and so good.
We always were sharing with the neighborhood.

Dad worked very hard all during the week,
And then on Sunday we may get a treat.
Off to the park on that great winding street
Or into the town for an ice cream to eat.

Dad always knew how to fix most everything.
My troubles would be solved just like a dream.
Spending hours with homework, rewarding me too
With pennies for the A’s and B’s that I’d do.

Mom would put stars by our chores on a chart.
Dad would count up each and every little mark.
For each mark he’d reward me with pennies again,
And off I’d go with an allowance to spend.

There are so many things I’ve learned I could say.
Dad is still adding them to my life today.
A visit with Dad is still such a treat,
For whatever he says it will be really neat.

© Copyright 1997 by Jean E. Gorney


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