Puzzling Pyramids Read Count : 127

Category : Books-Non-Fiction

Sub Category : History
People in the ancient world built astonishing artificial mountains temples and tombs as far apart as Africa and Mexico, using only their bare hands.  Many of these huge structures are still standing. In Iraq and Iran, where try are called Ziggurats, and in Mexico and Central America, the pyramids were crowned with the temples. But the most famous pyramids were built in Egypt as tombs. For more than 4,000 year visitors have marveled at the size and construction of these colossal monuments, and wondered how they were built so big, and why. 

                                                      FUN FACTS

*Statue Of Liberty, 305 ft high. 
  London Eye, 443 ft high. 
  Great Pyramid, 485 high, one of the worlds largest monuments. 

*Length On Each Side, 755 ft
  Area Of Base, 5 hectare, or 8 football pitches
  Number Of Stones, about 2.3 million
  Average Weight Of Each Stone, 2.5 tons
  Weight Of Biggest Stone, 290 tons
  Labor Force And Time Taken, 100,000 men and 20 years


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