The Sad Day. (Real Life) Read Count : 120

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Adventure
When i was 3 i went to see my uncle Jimmy. When i took my teddy bear called Jim my uncle dropped Jim in the bucket. I started to cry and said, "i dont want Jim to dry i want him now." My uncle said "dont cry emily lets set fireworks off." We watched the fireworks and had to go in because a firework nearly hit us.

As i turned 6 i never got to see him and when i was 12, on the 19th october 2017 something bad happened. My uncle was very poorly and fell down stairs and lost his memory. Then a week after my uncle died. 

My mum said, "go bed emily and amy." I went bed and listened to my dad talking. My dad said on the phone to my nanna, "Did you hear that jimmy died." I sat on my bed and started to cry. When i went school it was the worse day ever and im still 12 and it is monday 6th november 2017 and im still sad about it and i will be forever. My uncle will always be in my heart.


  • Karnivore Volpe

    Karnivore Volpe

    I lost my family at 8..i know the feeling. its ok, i know its not easy..but every experience, tragic as it may be, is one we have for a deeper reason.. you may be sad now, and i wont lie and say it may go away. you might always miss him. but we live on for the people we love that have passed..they wouldnt want their memory to make us sad, they would want us to remember the good times and be thankful we ever even got them at all..(: be grateful you had an uncle who cared so deeply..not everyone is as blessed. god bless, things will get easier, i promise. feel free to message me if you ever need anyone to talk to about loss.

    Nov 06, 2017

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