#35 WASH DAYS Read Count : 116

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
It’s Monday morning and time to do the wash.
Rubbing and scrubbing on a board in a tub.
This is really, really tough work, by gosh!
As I trys so hard to rinse out all the suds.

Hanging up on lines in the yard I stand,
I say it will take all day to dry, I know,
Squeezing and wringing out water by hand
Make clothes so heavy and very hard to blow.

One day an electric washer I'm happy to get.
Just plug it in, sort and then throw in clothes.
Turn on the water, add the soap, and don’t forget
Come back when it’s time for the wringing woes.

It is easier as I turn ‘round the crank,
The wringer makes the clothes so much drier.
I’m so glad as I stand there with thanks
For a new machine making washing faster.

As the years go by, it seems to get easier
When my new spindrier washer arrives.
Oh, I’m going to have so much leisure
And I can hardly believe my sore eyes.

Pick out wet clothes and put in the spinner,
Spinning and whirring the clothes almost dry.
This new washer is surely a big winner
As I hang up wash on a clothes tree outside.

Now wash day is so modern, it seems a dream,
Throw in the wash and soap and turn on the dial.
The wash is all done so quickly and easily it seems
As I just sit around and read a book for awhile.

Then into a dryer the clothes I throw.
No bad weather to worry about this day
As I take out the clothes and fold them just so,
There is so much time now to put them away

My new electronic washer is spiffy and sleek - 
Doing its job with hardly any water & soap. 
The electronic dryer sits nicely at my feet. 
They do things the way they want and not always what I hope.

© Copyright 1997 by Jean E. Gorney


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