Morning Of Strangeness. Read Count : 155

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
Id been seeing bizzare manouvering lights for weeks now, especially thru the early hours.   I awoke suddenly .it was 3.03am..i was being made to go outside on the top veranda where i had a full view of the nights sky.Something was like inspiring me to go and check for lights doing their erratic manouveres..Id been studying all the star and planetry maps..i knew what stars should be out at this time..On the veranda it took about 10 mins for my eyes to really noticed a big light to the north east but way way up..It was a big light more like a planet?? Hmm nothing should be there except distant stars..Suddenly amazin gly 2 pinheads of light shot out either side of this light..The light was a mothership..i intensely followed onr but aware of the other thru corner of my eyes..i watched this one do 3 or 4 swooping swoops in seconds 3 to 4 secs max these 2 boomerang shaped ufos came to hover over my house side by side!! By now my mouth was hanging open..i was awestruck..they we're just there hanging in the air 3 to 4 telegraph poles high above...soo i could clearly see them with several lights of white colour going aling each side and 1 at the front of each ufo..they then did a semi circle each over my house coming to hover again over back of house..they then simultaneously soughta winked at me..tilted to me both at once!!In unison..hello like..then in the blink of an eye as silent as a mouse they were gone!! Gone towards tge south wow wow...i run inside yelling at my be cont.d.


  • Diangelo Fairchild......the 3rd.

    Diangelo Fairchild......the 3rd.

    nice nice

    Apr 25, 2017

  • Apr 25, 2017

  • Apr 26, 2017

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