Friendship Read Count : 123

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Fantasy
                                              Short, small, cute story

I had lost everything. My family, my dogs, my stuff, but the one thing I haven't lost- my best friend, Skye. Shes been there for me. "Collin!" Skye  yelled, running towards me, her arms open. She ran into my arms. "I'm so sorry." She said. The fire killed everything but Skye and our friendship.

This story is supposed to show you that friendship is amazing. Even when you lose something or someone, your friend will be there to pick you up. Sorry that its short. Peace ✌❤❤


  • "stuff" is replaceable and so meaningless, but strong relationships can carry us through anything. Thank you for the reminder. :)

    Oct 22, 2017

  • Lisa Myers

    Lisa Myers

    i appriesate all of your support!

    Oct 22, 2017

  • AWESOME story!! And so true! 👊👍👍

    Oct 22, 2017

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