Skating From Heart Read Count : 115

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Adventure
                                                            Chapter 1
      Warning: Abuse and other bad stuff, you have been warned 

  I ran from my house. Why do I still trust them? I ran to Ice-Heart skating rink. They dont support my want to skate. I opened the door. "Yuki. Give me my skates." She nodded. "Something happen at home?" She looked sad. "When does nothing happen at my house? Never, is the answer!" I yelled at her. She looked like she was going to burst into tears. I grabbed the shoes and ran into the changing room. I zipped the zipper of my jacket and laced up my skating shoes. I tied up my long, silky black hair. I felt like myself again. I skated until the sun went down. I went back to the changing room, and changed. I went home and got yelled at, again. "What is wrong with you, Kuro?!?! I told you no more skating!" My mom yelled at me. Smacking me, I couldn't fight back, I'm not strong enough. She kept hitting me with a belt. I had marks and bruises all over my body when she was done. I went to bed, hungry and cried myself to sleep.

                                                      End of Chapter........


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