Across The Sea: Chapter One Read Count : 70

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Adventure
                                                          ~•Chapter One•~

     The tranquil blue waves rush up to shore, making the water touch Marilyn's toes. Palm trees were dancing in the howling wind. Golden sand began turning a shade of blue, while the sun was setting behind the calm ocean.
     Marilyn inhaled it all, wanting to stay sitting there forever. She always wondered what it would be like to sail across the ocean, like Christopher Columbus did. 
     She closed her eyes and imagined herself on a humongous pirate ship, steering the wheel, her eyes darting this way and that, looking for land. She imagined sailing the boat across the sea for hours when at last one of her mates call "Land 'ho!" and they all start getting excited and joyful. Then one by one they start hurrying off of the boat, and allowing huge smiles spread across their faces. 
     Of course, all pirates love treasure, and that large wooden chest would be right in the middle of all of the squishy yellow sand, with a golden keyhole.
     Marilyn's face lights up when she remembers the key in her pocket that belonged in that very hole. She slowly makes her way to the treasure chest, inserts the key, turns it--
     "Marilyn? there? Hello?"
     Marilyn opens her eyes to a little girl's face, that looks similar to her own. Her sister, Viviana. Viviana's face relaxes when she sees that her big sister opened her eyes. 
     "Mom wants us to get ready for dinner. Unless..the ocean paralyzed you." She says the last part with a giggle.
     Sighing, Marilyn stands and follows Viviana to their seaside house, which smells of fried chicken and baked beans.    


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