With A Demonic Mind And Broken Heart Read Count : 187

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
With a demonic mind & broken heart
I ventured on as my life fell apart.
A rocky road, an uphill struggle
My mind coping with thoughts it'd daily juggle.

But I'd learnt to cope, through my struggles & strife
Onto the continued journey that was my life.
Not one to crumble ad I fell
Well not until I'd been to the fires of hell. 

I'd reached the bottom of a seemingly endless pit.
As my world collapsed through its rocky earth & grit.
And as i sat on its grounds below
I looked around its darkness that did bestow.

Bleak & empty just as my heart & soul now felt
Through the thick & thins my past life years have dealt.
So for a while I just sat in self pitied sorrow
Until I realised that life was only mine on borrow.
So I had to make the most of what years were left
& no longer sit & wallow in these thoughts so bereft.

So up I stood back on my two feet
Welcoming the future I was about to gladly greet.
Bring it on what it may 
for yesterday's past & the morn a new day.
By Anna sabrina tate, 7th April 2017.


  • Apr 22, 2017

  • Sep 12, 2020

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