Hide And Seek
Read Count : 126
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Horror
"Mom, I'm bored!" I said with a sigh."Why don't you give Ashley a call and see if you two can get together, you haven't seen her since she got back from visiting her grandma in Colorado." I didn't want to, but she had a point, we haven't seen each other in awhile so I gave her a call. "Bye mom! Be back in a bit!" I called on my way out the door."Bye sweetie! Don't stay out to late. Tell Ashley I said hi!" Mom called just before I shut the door. When I arrived at Ashley's house I was attacked by her little sister Chloe. "Your back!!!! I thought I would never see you again!!!" Chloe exclaimed,"Well, here I am! Is your sister home? I wanted to know if she was interested in playing with me since you guys have been gone for so long." "Yeah, she's home. She's just finishing her guitar lessons. You should hear her!!! It sounds like a dying moose!!! But I guess I'll risk going deaf for you!!!". All I could do was laugh because she was telling the truth! Ashley wasn't that great at playing the guitar. The first time she had lessons, my dad went over to their place because he thought they were slaughtering a moose." Well, can I come in? I was thinking about scaring your sister. Do you want to help me?" I asked knowing she would say yes." Of course! Anything to get back at Ashley for putting hot sauce in my teacher's cupcake! " So I followed her inside and up the stairs to Ashley's room. When we crept up behind her, we shouted DOG FARTS in her ear and I swear she jumped at least a foot off the ground! Me and Chloe just fell to the ground laughing. "It's not funny guys! What if I thought you were robbers and I decided to use my karate skills on you!" Ashley scolded. "What karate skills?" Chloe and I asked at the same time which only made us laugh even more. "Forget about it. Do you want to try this game I've heard of, its called the hide and seek man." Ashley said like she was challenging us to do it "hell yeah!" I exclaimed but Chloe wasn't so sure about it." Come on Chloe it'll be fun! And we can team up if you want to!" I told her trying to get her to play "OK, but only because you said it'll be fun" Chloe agreed with me, this will be the best game ever! "So, this is how you play," Ashley told us "first we have to summon the hide and seek man. We do that by standing in front of the door and knocking on it thirty times. After you've knocked on the door, open it for fifteen seconds. As soon as you shut the door, the game begins. You have one minute to hide from the hide and seek man. Once a minute has passed, he will come looking for you. The instructions say that it is best to hide in groups and that you should be silent. If he finds you he will either attack you, which is very rare, and the other way is that he will just go away. You'll know he's gone when you hear door slam. Then it is safe to go out." Ashkey finished the instructions and me and Chloe weren't sure about playing the game for we didn't want to be attacked. "I don't know Ashley, what if we get attacked?" I asked in a worried tone "oh, you're such a baby! The website said it was really rare to get attacked so we probably won't get killed of kidnapped!" Ashley said in her know it all tone of voice."OK but only because you said it would be OK. And if anything does happen to one of us, I'm holding you responsible! Just remember that Ashley Woolburg!" I told her in my most confident voice.
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