Just A Talk
Read Count : 126
Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
I just want to write something up so i can make myself busy enough it's not like those crappy poems before that I have more like a essay that written without an art because i don't know how to play with words creatively enough so just let me say the things that I want that keeps playing inside my mind . In this world that supposed to full of love why there are person whose suffering from deppression alone in the dark ? Why are there people who always sad and to the extend that they committed a suicide ? Why are there people who think that they are just burden if the keep being alive ? Did you even asked yourself why ? Why ? Did you even think that it's not because they are freak or weak that they think the way like that ? Did you even consider that they just really have a fragile heart ? Did you even consider that maybe , maybe there are pain behind in their smile ? Believe I knew maybe we all have struggle in our life so it's necessary for them to be gloom all day in a dark side and think about killing their own life . But maybe just maybe they don't have someone else to care for them or for them to trust , maybe they are not lucky as you to have a nice friends and family , maybe those supposed to hold their hands decided to go away and let go leaving them in a depth of betrayal that so goddamn hurt as we know . Maybe there's no one listen to them when all they wanted is to be heared , maybe there's a time that they already want to opened up but get shut up because of those judgeful eyes that keeps staring at them with disgust . Maybe , maybe all they want is someone that will care enough .
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