Echoes Of Éire Read Count : 145

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
Chapter 7 ❂ Emmet 
                          Ireland, 1915. 

      As soon as Muirgen left, Emmet walked towards the cliffs and examined them carefully. What he had saw earlier wasn't a trick of his eye due to the lighting. He noticed that some cliffs had caves on their faces and now the wheels in his head began turning and a smile crept onto his face. Emmet looked around then back up at the cliffs, he backed up and shut his eyes to concentrate. He had to do this, she had too much potential and this was the only idea he could think of. 
      On his back, black wings made of fire shot out from his shoulder blades, when they touched the sand it turned to glass from the emense heat. Emmet took a running start and leaped into the air, he flew upwards and eyed each cave. They all seemed to be empty, so Emmet decided to check inside each of them. Most of them were much to small, they were more so crevices than caves, some were way to big and Emmet didn't want to find out what could be lurking in the back of those. Finally, he found a perfect sized cave. It was large enough for two people to sit and make a small fire and have a bed in. It was almost the size of his master bedroom. Emmet smiled big and marked the outside of the cave so he could find it later and dove off the cliff and searched for supplies. 
      It wasn't hard to find the supplies he needed. Candles, a mattress and bedsheets along with a blanket and pillows, he also brought baskets filled with sweets and bread and salt water taffy's and another basket with books and maps, a telescope human captains used, crystals he brought from Japan, incense he brought from India and China chocolate from Germany, and a bunch of other things. Now the hard part was actually getting all of this into the cave and set it up before Lunch ended. Emmet looked around the beach again for some sort of path up to the cave, there wasn't any. He huffed and grabbed the candles and one of the many baskets he had then proceeded to fly upwards into the cave. He placed the objects he was holding down into the corner then flew down and grabbed the sheets and blankets and the remaining baskets. Emmet looked at the mattress and sighed in exasperation, he kicked the mattress half-heartedly and sat down next to it. Lugging a mattress across a beach was easy, flying three-hundred feet and channeling energy and magic into not breaking a sweat while carrying the mattress into the cave, and then decorating said cave, wasn't so easy. 

      "What's got ya down with the blues, lad?" A voice from behind him said. Emmet turned and saw an older fairy man standing there. He wore a blue robe with silver designs on it, he had silver hair that matched his beard in color and length. He walked towards Emmet, his hair dragging in the sand.

      "I'm not sad, just annoyed." Emmet said and glared at the mattress. 

      "What are you doing with a mattress?" The fairy asked. 

      "I need to bring into that cave up there. I'm setting it up as a little getaway." 

      "For yourself?" 

      "For Muirgen and I." Emmet looked back the fairy who arched an eyebrow at him. Emmet furrowed his brows in confusion then his eyes widened and his whole face turned red. "N-N-Not like that! Not like that!" He stuttered and flames began to engulf his hands and cheeks. "I-I just meant- well I'm teaching her to get over her fear of the Ocean! I thought that if she was to be closer to it, she'll get used to everything. I...I would never try anything like that." Emmet mumbled, the last part was a lie. 

      "You say this is for Muirgen?" The fairy asked. Emmet nodded, flames still engulfed parts of him. "Hmmmm, alright, we will help you." The fairy turned and whistled.

      "We...?" Emmet asked then noticed other fairies coming out of rocks and the sand, some coming off the side of the cliff. Some grabbed the mattress while others climbed on top of each other like a ladder. "Why?" Emmet asked. The first fairy turned to him.

      "Muirgen does so much for us, especially the older fairies, this is the least we could do. Alright men! Let's get this mattress up in that there cave! For Muirgen!" The fairy exclaimed. 

      "For Muirgen!" The others repeated. In an instant, the mattress was drug away from Emmet and hoisted up the side of the cliff and into the cave with ease. Some fairies went into the cave and came back down in a few more moments. 

      "Everything is set up, sir!" Said one fairy, the first fairy nodded.

      "Very good." He looked at Emmet. "You hear that, boyo? Everything is set up for ya." He beamed proudly. Emmet stared at him with wide eyes and a small smile.

      "What can I do to repay you?" He asked. 

      "Give me your dessert at dinner." The fairy nodded. Emmet chuckled and held out his hand. 

      "Deal." Emmet shook the fairies hand and in a few moments, it was as if the fairies were never there in the first place. 
       Emmet flew up to the cave and he smiled big. The bed was set up at the back of the cave, sheets and blankets and pillows placed neatly. Candles were placed in small holes in the walls. Emmet walked over to each of them and lit them, causing a warm orange glow to illuminate the cave. Some holes were filled with books and the floor had neat piles of other books stacked up in random places. Some trinkets, music boxes and nik-naks, we're scattered around the cave. The baskets were placed along the foot of the bed and had chocolate in them. Emmet couldn’t help but smile at the cave, the fairy definitely deserved his dessert. One thing needed to be put up though, Emmet grabbed one of the tapestries he had packed away and hung it up at the cave entrance. 

      "Perfect." He smiled. He turned and marveled at the cave once more before he heard the soft voice he did all this for.

      "Emmet? Emmet where are you?" Muirgen asked. Her voice was like white noise, you know you can hear it but you brush it off as background noise. Emmet poked his head out and watched her walk along the beach below. "You better not be playing a trick, you bastard! I'll soak your clothes and make them shrink, I will!" She threatened. Emmet smirked and chuckled.

      "Now why would you do such a thing to me, lass? I've been nothing but nice to ya!" He called from above. Muirgen snapped her head upwards and blinked at him in disbelief. 

      "H-How did you get up there? Come down this instant!" She stomped her foot.

      "Come up here and let me show you your first gift." He winked and went back inside the cave. He eyed the bed but decided to grab a spare blanket and lay it across the floor then sat down. He reached for a basket as soon as he heard the sound of water bubbling. Muirgen stepped inside the cave with a mumble. She was about to say something but gasped as she saw the inside. Her blue eyes seemed to sparkle as she looked around the little getaway.

      "What...what is this?" She breathed. 

      "Just a little place I decided would be nice to rest in while you practice." Emmet beamed.

      "How...?" She looked at him.

      "I had a little help lugging some stuff up here. Anyway, come sit and I'll show you your first gift." He said as he patted the blanket. She looked at him cautiously but walked over and sat down next to him. Emmet smiled and pulled out a music box engraved with vines and flowers.

      "A box?" Muirgen pouted.

      "No no, a music box, Muirgen." Emmet smiled. Muirgen's eyes lit up at the word music she grabbed the box and opened it. Inside was a little dancer in a blue dress with dark hair tied up into a bun. Emmet watched as Muirgen twisted the knob and smiled when she did as the music began to play. 

      "Oh...oh how beautiful, Emmet." She looked up at him, a warm smile and playful eyes. 

      "It's from Russia. A gypsy gave it to me for a fair price, she said that it's a giving box." Emmet sat back.

      " box?" Muirgen asked.

      "Yes, it's a music box you give away to someone one day. Maybe your future children, nieces or nephews. A close friend or a complete stranger. It's a way to give back to the world, to share your memories." Emmet smiled. Muirgen blinked and smiled bigger.

      "What a beautiful way to bring the world a little closer." She said as she watched the dancer spin slowly to the tune. It was quiet, Emmet liked the quiet, he liked watching her enjoy her new gift. "Did you like Russia?" She finally asked.

      "It's a beautiful country, it's rich with history. The only sad part is that the magical beings that live there aren't as famous anymore, unless you live in one of the remote villages or were raised with superstition. I wouldn't live there though." Emmet began to tie his dreadlocks into a bun.


      "It's too cold." Emmet said with a smile. Muirgen giggled and tilted her head. 

      "It's cold here, too." She pursed her lips.

      "Aye, but Russia has a different kind of cold. Artic temperatures and what not." He said and rested his hands on his lap. Muirgen nodded and stared at the music box. "Our cold is tolerable, habitable, Russian really have to of been born there to live there. Of course, they have their warm parts of the country, but I received this box in Omsk." 

      "Omsk?" She asked and looked up at him. "That's a funny name." She said.

      "So is Muirgen." Emmet teased and leaned close with a smile. Muirgen glared and turned her head.

      "And to think I was just starting to like you. Rude bastard." She said. Emmet began to feel his hands heat up but he quickly covered them and calmed down.

      "Hey now, I'm a very likable person!" He pouted and batted his lashes at her. She looked at him and pushed his face away.

      "Ahhh, you're insufferable." She scoffed.

      "And you're beautiful." He winked. Muirgen huffed as her face turned bright red.

      "Oooooh!! Ugh! Hmph! I swear, Emmet!" She crossed her arms.

      "I'm just teasing. It's funny to see you all riled up." He laughed. Muirgen huffed and sat back, she had something on her mind; Emmet knew she did by the way she always seemed to trail off. "What is it, mo Caomhnóir?" He asked softly. "Did I upset you?" Muirgen shook her head, her white hair catching the warm orange glow from the candles. 

      ", you didn't. It's just...." She sighed then looked at Emmet with a stern face. "I know your dad is cold, but why would he send you after your brother died?" She asked, Emmet sucked in a breath. "He's already lost one son, why would he willingly let another go? Especially to a territory he has bad blood with? It makes no sense and it has been bothering me since you arrived." She said all this without breathing, so much curiosity in her voice.

      "Curiosity killed the cat, Muirgen." He said slowly.

      "No, Ignorance killed the cat. Curiosity was framed." She said matter-of-factly. 

      "My father never liked me. He didn’t even love my mother. My brothers and I are nothing but products of a business to him. My father always believed that if he were to have children then they had to be the best and come from the best." Emmet looked down at his hands. Why was he telling her all this so freely? He had just met her, he didn't owe her an explanation. Then again, he did make this getaway for the both of them in hopes of making a friend. 

      "What do you mean?" Muirgen asked softly. 

      "I'm the son of The Morrigan." Emmet whispered. Muirgen gasped softly. 

      "The...The Morrigan?" She asked. Emmet nodded.

      "As you know, The Morrigan appears as three different women, all sacred goddess of different things. The Maiden, the Crowne and the Mother. My older brother is the product of the Mother, I'm the product of the Crone and my dead brother is the product of the Maiden. He was born differently." Emmet sighed and looked up at her. "Please don't make me go through how she regurgitated him whole." Muirgen cringed at that thought. 

      "I don't want to know the gorey details, thank you." She looked down and brushed some hair behind her ear. "That still doesn't answer my question as to why he gave you up."

      "I can't tell you." He sighed.


      "I just can't, Muirgen!" He cried and looked away. "It doesn't matter, alright? I'm here in the south now and I can't change that. I don't want to change that." He looked at her. Muirgen didn't flinch, she sat properly, like she always did, with her hands folded and her eyes filled with questions. Emmet let out a soft whimper, entirely not intentional. He stood up and unbuttoned his robe. Muirgen batted her eyelashes quickly.

      "What are you doing?" She asked.

       "Giving you a reason to stop asking about my family life." He said as he shrugged off his robe and began unbuttoning his shirt. Muirgen's eyes widened and her face began to turn red.

      "E-Emmet yo-"

      "Quiet." He said sternly, she obeyed. Emmet took off his shirt and turned so his back was facing her. She gasped and Emmet sighed. 

      "Emmet...your back...I...who did this?" Emmet heard her get up and walk over to him. He was tense but seemed to relax when he felt her cold fingers trace along the flogging scars engraved into his back.

      "Who do you think?" He asked coldly. Muirgen placed her whole hand on his back.

      "I'm so sorry. I was ignorant." She stepped back Emmet grabbed his shirt and put it on. He looked at Muirgen, who had one arm wrapped around her waist and a hand to her lips. She looked like she wanted to cry or vomit, maybe both. Emmet sighed and fixed his shirt.

      "It's fine, Muirgen. Let's just talk about-" He started but was quickly cut off when he felt a soft pressure on his body. He looked down and saw Muirgen hugging him as tight as she could. He opened his mouth to speak but Muirgen beat him to it.

      "I'm so sorry he did that. I promise nothing like that will ever happen again to you. Not in this territory. Not on my watch. I promise Emmet." She sniffled and squeezed him. Emmet was more than surprised, he hugged her back amd didn't say anything. What was he going to say? He couldn't think of anything to say to her proclamation. A "Thank You" seemed too bland anything to extravagant seemed too creepy, so all he could do was hug her back as hard as she was hugging him. 

      "You're quite the woman, Muirgen." Emmet said finally as he pulled away slightly only to look at her face. He stroked her hair and smiled. Muirgen smiled back. 

      "Well, now that we have gotten that out of the way, let's see what you can do with your magic." She smiled big.




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