I Like Girls Read Count : 136

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Romance
Chapter1:first time

      I stretched my back as bones made popping sounds that went back in place. Looking at the time it was 11:45am and nothing was better than going in bed to sleep longer but it had a topic on my mined. Just thinking about it made my head spin, I slowly moved forward to the end of the bed and pressed my feet onto the ice cold concrete floor. I shivered at the touch even thow I was use to it. I realized that mom wasn't up yet so I made my way to  the kitchen with out a sound. 
         I pulled out a orange bowl from the dish washer and took a few bananas from the bowl of fruits on the counter. "Good morning" my mom muttered, my mom was the most hard working mom I knew and I respected her for her part time job  as a doctor. She was already dressed in her uniform and had that large brief case I always wanted to know what was inside, I waved her goodbye. After a few minutes I got up and decide to go on my secrect app I downald,it was for gay teens like me but what was killing my mined was that  I was still questioning my self based on that topic until I got a message from a old friend
     My eyes widened when the message stated that she was coming back to her home country. Out of excitement I yelled "Denisa is coming back to me!!!!"  not realizing  the last words in my sentence. It was Monday the 3rd and  school finished early because of a bat infestation in the roofs but my problem was the leaking hole in the roof,hopefully it would be fixed by Thursday. I walked home alone before hearing a boy voice "Honiahaka please wait!!!"I stopped that last name always got me mad because it didn't make any sense with my first name 'Sapphire' when he catches up I finally saw who it was.
       My best friend Max Roll-x, he had red straight hair yellow eyes and he always tried to look like a bad kid but he could never pull it of because he had sad jokes that no one laughed at. 

To be countied👭


  • annnddd.,.. what message was it?

    Oct 18, 2017

  • Shari Walker

    Shari Walker

    it ok well i hate using wifi but its great

    Oct 19, 2017

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