Captain Awesome!
Read Count : 108
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Childrens
There was a person. The persons name was "Captain Awesome." Captain Awesome loved soccar. He pretty much played everyday. He scored fantastic goals. And sometimes, he kicks really high, it bounces outfield. No one can beat Captain Awesome. He was way to good. People tried to beat him, but he couldn't. Sometimes they did, but mostly they didn't. They had breaks. They even had lunch. But Captain Awesome did not want to have lunch. All he wanted to do, was play soccar. Some people did the same thing. The score was: Captains awesome team: 80 goals the cool dudes team: 50 goals. After Captain Awesome's team scored 20 more goals, they won. There score was 100 goals. They had to go back to there houses. Everyone was proud of Captain Awesome. They all had a great time. The End.