The Cause (warning Extremely Long)
Read Count : 101
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Adventure
March 27th Really wish I would have listened to my mom when she said bring my pocket knife with me. Why? Because if I would have brought it, I wouldn't have gotten kidnapped!! Yes that's right I gotten kidnapped! Well you may be asking "how do you have your diary?" Well this person is very stupid, he takes my phone but don't bother to care about anything else!! What an idiot. He did lock the doors tho. Anyway back to what I was saying, I went to the store to grab a couple of things for my mom and when I started texting her, he snatched me up and shoved me in the back of his van. I'm pretty sure that we are now on strane street. What are we doing down here? I'm pretty sure he doesn't live down here, I would know I come down here every week and never seen this van before. Oh no I got to go he has stopped and is walking back here. March 27th 30 minutes later I'm back. He pulled me out of the van and dragged me by my hair! I tried running when he opened the doors but when I jumped over his shoulder he grabbed me and slammed me on the road and scraped my knees so now my knees hurt really bad. After he slammed me down he picked me up off the ground from my hair and started dragging me. I bit him and ran to grab my diary and run off again but I tripped and he cought up to me and this time he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and then cut my leg with a frickin' pocket knife. After he cut me we went in this huge place I have never seen on strane street before. He walked in and went to the room and threw me in here and now here, I am being held prisoner in a place I've never seen before and got cuts and scraps all over me, anyways I'll talk tomorrow night and tell you everything that happens. March 28th 8:30p.m Omg today was so much worse than yesterday when I got kidnapped!!! Ok so first off he woke me up at like 6:25 A.m to work for him and clean until 12:57. Only reason I did it was because he said if I didn't he would kill me and I'm kinda scared to die, I mean after all I'm only 15, I have so much to live for. I don't really know why I did it because weather or not I did it he is going to kill me because that's what kidnappers do! After I was done he gave me slop, like mashed up green beans with expired bread, and some ground water. When I say ground water I mean like it has dirt all in it and worms and stuff. He said after I was done eating to do the dishes and then go back to the room. I went to the room like he said because I didn't feel like being killed so I just done what he said. After a few hours he told me lights out and turned out every light. He didn't cut off my light because I have no light in here!! I gtg he is checking in on me and he said I have to be asleep by 8: 30 and it's 8:46 I think. I'll talk tomorrow (if I get the chance) Bye!! March 29th 10:15 p.m I'm glad I have this right now because it's kinda helping me keep track of the date because when you get kidnapped you lose track of the day. Today I think he got more stupid because he let me outside to do the garden, but I think I got a little bit stupid too because he went inside and I could have ran off but I wasn't thinking of it. On a related note of "he" he is so creepy. He keeps toughing my hair and swaying my arm when I'm working for him. It kinda creepy because I think he is a kidnapper and a sick freak! He kept toughing me so after a few times I smacked his hand and said "stop it!" He said "I'm just trying to help you relax while you are working" I push him off me and said " I would be relaxed if you wouldn't have me doing all of your crap and I'm not doing it anymore" he had slapped me across the face and I fell but I just had an angry look on my face and got up, he said straight up "I'm doing this because I want the best for you and inorder for that you have to prove yourself and help me clean around here!" I looked up in disbelief and said " if you wanted the best for me you wouldn't have kidnapped me and sure enough wouldn't hit me" he slapped me again and I said right after that " and you need to stop hitting me because I'm a woman and women are not just Peaces of dog crap unlike guys that hit girls," I turned around and said " oh btw you better stop hitting me because girls are stronger than what you think!" He stopped hitting me but still made me clean and do all his work. I kinda got sick of it and locked myself in my room tonight and he hasn't even gave me anything to eat yet. I don't really care because I still have that little bit of food I bought at the store to eat. I have to go I don't feel like writing anymore I'll write tomorrow (if he lets me live, probably not I think I made him mad oh boo hoo ) bye! March 30th 6:48 P.M I DID IT!!! IM FINALLY FREE!!! Okay, you may be asking "how did you escape?" Well here is how, I was reading over my dairy this morning and he let me out to wash is stupid little van and while I had it on my mind I ran off!! Great thing I was reading my diary! Anyway I ran off and you won't believe how far I made it in just one hour, 15 miles away!! It's a good thing I finished my 5th year of track. I know this town inside out and I'm trying to find my way to the store, but then a lady drove by and said "hello little girl" I said hello back and asked for directions to the store she told me to get in her car but I didn't I said "umm actually I just need directions" she gave me the directions and I found my way there. I got to the store and the place was filled with cops and was closed!! I ran over to them and said "what is going on here?" They didn't seam to hear me so I was about to say it again when all of a sudden someone came up behind me and snached me up. I turned around and hit them in the face, it was the same guy as earlier! I ran in the store and screamed "HE IS THE KIDNAPPER, HE KIDNAPPED ME AND IS TRYING TO GET ME AGAIN!!!" The cops started saying to put his hands up but of course he was armed so he pulled out a gun and started to shoot. The cops protected me and started shooting him when all of a sudden people started surrounding me and gasping and their eyes wide open, I felt a little pain in my leg and when I looked down, I had been shot!!! I passed out because the bullet and I'm in the hospital right now but I'm hoping to get out soon. I got to go they are about to bring me dinner I'll talk tomorrow, bye!!! March 30th midnight I can't sleep. My mom heard the news from the cops and rushed over here to see me. She hugged me tight and said she was so worried about me and that she missed me. I told her I missed her too and I told her everything he done to me. She brought me my Nintendo 3DS to play while in the hospital because she won't let me have any kind of phone other than a flip phone so I can't play it, even if I did have a real phone it wouldn't matter because the kidnapper took my phone! I grabbed the 3DS and started to play it after I thanked my mom for bringing me it and I played by it till it died. It was boring but I had nothing better to do so I played it. She stayed till 8:00 P.M, one because I didn't wake up till 7:02 and for two because visiting hours was over at 8:10 P.M. I'm actually getting a little tired now. I'll talk later, bye. March 31 Omg I have bad news, I just found out these people are gonna take me away from my mom. They came in and told me with my mom sitting right there next to me. I asked why they was taking me and they said "because your mother sent you out by yourself with nothing to defend your self with". I told them she had said to bring a pocket knife and I didn't and they said they didn't care, that she should have made me do it! They sent my mom out the room because they had to put some medicine on my leg and then they told me when I get out the hospital I needed to get my things packed up so they can pick me up the next day. God I really wish my dad was still alive. He would convenience them to not take me. I have some good news though it's kinda bad news. I get out the hospital tomorrow. The doctor says my leg is almost held up so I can leave tomorrow. Bad thing is the sooner I leave the sooner they are going to take me. They say it's for my safety but I think they are just gonna make me work like kiddy (by the way I call the kidnapper kiddy be cause he takes little kids). Wow I just checked the time and it's already 10:15 P.M I guess I better be getting to bed. I have a long day tomorrow. But before I go I want to say that my birthday is April 16th and I won't even be with my mom to celebrate!! Crud that sucks!! Well I guess I'll be going now. April 1st (almost midnight) I'm home, I missed this place, to bad I'm leaving to go to the shelter tomorrow. They called me today saying what time they are going to get me tomorrow. I had asked if I can visit my mom on my birthday and they said they normally don't do that so I told them that is was the 16th and they said if it's the 16th than I can see her. I don't understand why I can't just stay until after my birthday. Anyway we got home and I took a shower because only heaven knows how long it's been since I took one. After that I got my stuff ready while my mom cooked dinner, crying. Do I blame her? No. If my child was being taken away from me (for the second time) I would be crying too. After dinner I pryed like always expect I pryed to my dad. When I got done I had this weird feeling that I was... Safe... I heard a wisper say "No one will take you away from me and mommy, I'll stop them" I sat up out the bed real fast and said back "dad? Is that you? Wait... What do you mean your going to stop them?? Dad... Don't hurt anyone!!" I didn't hear a wisper back so I thought it was just my imagination so I layed back down and I heard him softly laugh, like, when a little kid says something and you just go huh but it's a laugh, that's what he did and he said "okay my little baby, if you don't want me to I won't" and I felt him hug me. I couldn't sleep because I was thinking about what just happened and thinking about me having to leave my mom. When I was thinking I thought of my diary and decided to write what happened. It has been a long day today and I'm kind-- April 2nd (still at home) 10:17 A.M. Sorry I feel asleep while writing. Now about the defacts taking me at 2:30 P.M today. I'm kinda bummed because that's in about 4 hours. My mom and I went out before I have to leave we went and did stuff together. I'm actually very tired because she woke me up at 8 to go out to yardsales. We went and got a tiny frame for a picture of me, her, and daddy. (That's right, I call my dad, daddy sometimes) After that, we went and got me a new pen, perse, necklaces, bracelets, and got our nails done. For me to remember her she gave me a locket that her mom gave her and it had a picture of her in it. I hugged her tight and thanked her. After that I went to my room ( which is were I am now) and all of a sudden my mom comes in and gives me a new iPhone I screamed and hugged her. She said she has already set it up wayyy before I got kidnapped, she said she was waiting tell I turned 16 to give it to me but she wanted to give me it now for an early sweet 16 gift. She told me to call her everyday and always remember her and I said "I would never forget you!" She hugged me and said she was gonna go watch TV so I'm now in my room writing in my diary and about to text everyone about what happened these past few days. I'll talk later, when I'm at the shelter. 3:47 p.m We just got to the shelter and I tell ya it's really big in here. It kinda scares me, there is a grave yard outside so that's what is creepy. I got here and they showed me to a room with a bunk bed. He told me to put my bags down and get comfortable, he said he will be right back, that he is going to pick up another child that he was supposed to pick up before he pick me up. I said ok and got unpacked. I tell ya it's nice in here although I keep hearing noises and wispers, I think it's just my dad watching over me tho. I'm hoping this child isn't mean, I hope she is scencitve like me. Why? Because he also said the child will be sharing a room with me and I can't have her finding my diary, she'll probably make fun of me. It was 30 minutes ago when he left and it took me 10 minutes to get to the room, 2 minutes of him telling me he is leaving, 10 minutes unpacking, and 10 minutes writing to you. Oh I just heard doors close, I think that's her, I got to hide this, I'll be back later. 10:06 p.m I have been dieing to tell you this all day, my room mate is... A HE!!! I thought it would be a girl because boys and girls aren't supposed to sleep in the same room. He scared me at first but he is actually really sweet and super cute. He wears classes has dirty blonde hair like me, and he has a broken arm, the cast is blue, I signed it today. He said I look very cute in my swag outfit. I told him thanks and continued unpacking. I love it here so far. They do make you do chores but I'm fine with that, I mean we do mess up the close and dishes so we need to help clean them up. Oh, can you believe they just opened this place? Me and Alex are the only two here. Oh did I tell you his name is Alex. We have like five people who watch us but I can only seam to find four. Oh! Some new kid came in!! Yay more people, oh it's a girl as well. Oh I had the best idea, Maybe we could be a little group of our own. I'll go talk to Alex and see if he wants to do that and if he does I'll ask the new girl if she wants to do it as well. By the way Alex found out I have a diary, I asked if this would change our friendship, he said no that he thinks I'm different than anyone else and he says he like different, he also said he thinks it's good I'm a girl girl and a Tom boy because he thinks it's good for my personality to be two kinds of people because I'll have more Expressions. Oh goody I just found out the new girl is in our room too. There is two sets of bunk bed in each room which means four people can be in our group if they agree. Anyway I gtg talk to them and see if they want to be a small group. April 3rd 8:07 A.m Good news, Everyone agreed to be in the group!! I know I'm up early. I couldn't sleep last night and I ended up waking up at 7:58 so I figured why not write about the group!! Ok first I should tell you everyones name. First there is me Livi, then there is Alex, and now we have Elle. She is really shy but once you get to know her she is really funny, loud, hiper, and werid. Just like me... Wait I wonder what their stories are, you know, why they are in here? Hum? I want to ask them but they are all still asleep. I should just go to bed until they wake me up, then I'll get dressed and do laundry like they had told me to do. They told me my job is to do laundry. So I'll talk later! Later Most people may say that shelters suck but, this place is awesome. They actually want whats best for you here. Which reminds me I have to call my mom after I write this. Anyways I haven't asked what their story's are yet, that's only because we just woke up and we just had breakfast. They actully only give us two chores to do and those are the only ones we have to do but we have to do that same chore all day. If you're lucky you can get the easy ones, I kinda got lucky because I have to do laundry which isn't that hard but also have dishes which is kinda hard for me because surprisingly for only three kids there are alot of dishes. I also made a deal with Mrs. Ashley (the lady who gives chores). I will do dishes after dinner that way I'm not always doing them all day. She agreed with me as long as I done them. Back to what I was saying, I haven't asked yet but I will after I do laundry. I'll talk in 5 minutes. 30 minutes later Have I stopped shaking? I'm not sure if I have. My writing is squiggle. My hands are still bleeding and they hurt really bad. You may be asking, "Livi what in the world are you talking about? " I'll tell you what happened I was doing laundry and Mrs. Ashley had to go to the store so when she left I started doing the laundry and when I was getting clothes out the dryer, wait for it... You'll never believe me... SOMETHING PUSHED ME IN THE DRYER! I know your saying "you could have just fell in" NO! That's not what happened I was getting them and then someone pushed me in and closed the door. You're probably saying "why didn't you kick it open then? " because you couldn't do that. There is this button on the door you have to be on the outside to open it so you want to know how I got out and why my hands hurt and why I'm shacking? Well I got out because I was yelling and screaming and beating my hands on the door hopeing someone would hear me but I was still doing that for 15 minuets and cryed for five then I hurd some one walk by so I started screaming and crying and banging on the door again and then Alex opened the door and asked what happened. As he helped me out I told him and he hugged me and helped me to Mr. Keven (another worker) Alex told him what happened as Elle came running in worrying about me. I told her I was fine, they looked at my hands and seen them bleeding, I told them why and Mr. Keven rapped them up for me but they still hurt. He did tell me I probably did just fall in and the door closed because the wind but I know I didn't because I felt the hands on my back. I got to go, Alex and Elle want to talk to me, I'll talk later (if I don't get pushed into anything else). One hour later We talked for a long time, we talked about what happened and our story's. Alex and Elle had asked for the full story of what happened with the dryer thing. I had told them and we told funny story's and scary story's that happend to us before. I asked what their story's was, they asked what I meant and I told them "you know, why ur in here" they both looked at and and said "oh". Elle said her dad threatened her and her mom so when they got away they called 911 and they took Elle away from them and Alex said his parents abused him. They was surprised why I got token. I told them I to hang on that I had to call my mom so I called her and told her that it is great here and I love her and stuff like that. Oh it's lunch time I'll tell you more later tonight. 10:16 pm Omg I am so excited, I can't wait until August! You may be asking "why are you so excited? " well... Over lunch we talked about school, now I know that you may not like school but I love it (I'm a nerd I guess u could say). Anyways, Mr. Keven and Mrs. Ashley told us that we was going to start going to school until we get continued nued... nce it is the end of the year they said we will start back when everyone else dose. I'm not sure if this is a shelter to get adopted in or a shelter we will live in until collage. I love getting new people in the shelter. OH, speaking of 'new people' we got a new kid, his name is mike. Although I wouldn't say he is the kind of person who would be... Friendly. He has already pushed Elle on his way in. I think it's just because he is mad he had to come here. April 8th I thought that me and Elle was close enough friends that I tell her all my secrets so I told her I like Alex. I told her not to tell him and she said "ok". I have been watching her and her and Alex have a strong bond. I asked her if she liked him she said "oh no no no no" in a werid voice. Alex would always give me special things and I didn't even ask for them and now he is doing it to her. I think I am being back stabbed. I hate my life, its like every time I tell someone who I like they start to stell them from me. I hate how I got token here. I hate that she back stabbed me. I hate everything. I hate mike, he is just a bully. I hate Mrs. Ashley and Mr. Keven. I hate this place... The only thing I like is... Knifes... I love knifes, they are so sharp and I can kill others or myself if I wanted to. April 9th Why won't they just let me do it? Why did they take it from me? Why did they ground me? They are not even my parents! Why does Elle have to back stab me? Why did Alex have to see me like this? Why did I do this to myself? Why why why why why?!?! WHY DID THEY TAKE THE KNIFE? WHY WON'T THEY JUST LET ME DO IT? WHY WON'T THEY LET ME KILL THEM? April 10th I'm tired of being bullied and be trade! Alex won't talk to me, he thinks I'm an insane freak. Tonight after everyone is asleep I'm going to get my book bag and pack my drawing crap and some food and running away, I don't know the way to my house from here but that probably isn't the safest place to be anyways because when they find out I am running away they will search there first. I don't know where I'm going to go but I know I won't have to worry about those bullys and backstabers ever again. I'm going to leave a note that says: Dear, bullys As you have noticed, I'm gone. Don't come looking for me because I can out run all you people. I have run away because I am tried of being backstabbed and bullied. You may say you never bullied me or back stabbed me but you are wrong. Elle, you know that I liked Alex and you just went out and took him and left me behind like a snake. I tried to be happy but I couldn't take it anymore, that is why I tried to kill you and before I came here I tryed killing myself. Alex, when you found out, you didn't even give me a chance to explain why I tried to do that, and you hated me. I am sick of being treated like I'm nothing but dog crap so you won't have to worry about me and I don't have to worry about you because I have left, hope your happy with yourselfs With all hate, Livi Kenderson Yea that was the note, might not be smart to leave a note saying I am running away but I wanted to let them know what they have done, Ill talk later tonight when I'm out of this place I call hell. April 11th I snuck out last night and stayed in the back by a window next to my old room. I was already awake when I heard 'gasp' I left the window open so I could know when they are awake. I looked threw the window and I see Alex reading my note, he woke up Elle and showed her. They both said they wish they could change there past and understand what I was going threw and I ran off because I heard them say " what was that!? " I made a noise and I forgot they could hear me if I did anything loud. I ran to a bush and I'm staying here tonight. April 12th I kinda wish I didn't run away because now I can't see my mom on my birthday, I mean I could always go back but people never change, I would also be 'grounded' for running away. At first when I got here I thought it would be great but nothing good last forever. I should have known it was to good to be true. April 13 I'm so hungry, and I hate when my hair is greasy. People in town are so concerned about me. They keep asking if I was okay or if I'm hurt or anything, I think they may be the people who heard about my kidnapping and the shooting. I hope to find mom driving around but I doubt it, we just moved out this town. That's how I know it inside out. Im planning on going to somewhere, I can go to school, but also be treated with respect. A paradise, an adventure. I want something worth running away, not something I can runaway to and be treated the same. But I'm old enough to know fairy tales are not real. I miss my mom. She must be so sad, after they read the note I stuck around a few more hours and they called my mom telling her I ran away, after that they came looking for me, that's when I made a run for it. They called the police and now they are looking for me too. This is so frustrating I can't even handle it. I am so freaking cold, why did it have to snow today, of all days, why today? April 20 Its been a couple of days and I found something to eat, I already ate what I had before. I smuggled some of it from a camp I found. When I say camp you might be thinking; tents and stuff, no, this is a camp with cabins and activitys. They had lots of food so I took some of it. A camper seen me and that's when I took off running. People have been asking questions like if I needed mental help and stuff. I'm trying to make my way back to the main city or else I could be 'kidnapped' again. It really wouldn't be kidnapping but still. April somethin' People keep asking if I'm homeless, here is your answer, no. I'm a gypsy. I'm a nature gypsy. Have I told you that? I love to be outside and I love playing in the woods and climbing trees, and camping and mountain climbing and lots of stuff. I hate being with family all the time thought, I need some alone time, if you see me sitting in the middle of the woods with no one else, leave, leave me alone and let me think. Even though I love nature, I love staying in the dark too. I hate the light. It only helps for me to see and grow things, thats it. If you ever see me, you won't see me on the streets holding a sign that says "homeless, please help" and wouldn't be asking for money. Instead I would be earning money for myself, I'm 16 I'm old enough to get a job. Oh shoot, I forgot to write on my birthday, oh well. April 27 I found out what day it is, in this town, every Saturday, some people give out news papers and have yard sales. I went to look at some things at a yard sale and asked the owner what day it is. Anyways, I was out today and i seen this house, I hid in a bush and watched the house for a couple hours. Nothing seems to be in it, there is no cars or trucks. I think the owner might be out in town today, I don't think this house is for sale because people like me would die for this house. Even if it was for sale I couldn't get it, I don't even have a job yet, speaking of which, I went to an interview today, they said they would call me if I got the job but I told them I didn't have a phone so they said just meet them at 3 p.m. so that's what I'm going to do. This job actually pays a pretty good amount. $30.00...wait....$30.00 is alot of trees being cut down and....NO! I would never hurt nature! I don't care if I need it or not I will not accept any hurt nature! April 28 After I wrote that I ran off back to the woods and still have not came back. I feel bad for ditching the job but I will not work for anyone if they are hurting trees. Don't mess with this nature gypsy, I will hurt you if I see anyone cutting down my trees. If people cut down the place where I think, hid, find my happy place, my only place I can live without being asked questions. My home. My life. I actually still have that knife. I'm not going to cut any trees with it but I am going to cut someone who is cutting a tree. April 29 I don't see how these girls at school and on TV have the perfect life and others have a life like mine! Then again, my life is awesome! Living out here in the woods, the only place I can be alone. Then again, I get kinda lonely, soon I might go to a shelter or something and stay a few nights so I can get a shower and eat a proper meal. Heaven knows my hair is in for a serious wash. Okay, here is the plan 1. Go to town 2. Find a shelter 3. Stay a night 4. Come back to finding a way back home That sound pretty good! Now the one thing I have to try to avoid is the police. Why? Remember? They called the cops to keep a look out after me!! I'll be back later when I find something. Later I put my hood over my head while in town so no one could see my hair or anything. I managed to find my old school. I had to be sneaky thought. Remember, school is still in until May. I waited until the bell rang and I tried to blind in with the crowd except I ran the opposite way they was. I ran into the school!! Why? To hide, And maybe get a little cleaned up in a bathroom. It's been a few years since I have been here so if I attend here I'm pretty sure no one will even know! That's good, I can learn and still be on the run! When I used to live here I seen a shelter near here all the time. I don't know if it's still there though, I'll check tomorrow after I get out of the school. To be continued...