My Dress Is Gone. I'll Pay To Have It Returned. Call 830 3926777 Read Count : 105

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Someone stole my dress that is black on its skirt and purple on top. I used to hang out with a bunch of meth heads, and I beleive they have illicitly gained access into the interior of my house so as to take what they can make a profit off of. What they then do is buy dope to get high with. I literally cannot even function because of these people. I don't know what to do. PLEASE HELP ME. My name is Whitney A. Vick, and I want revenge.
By the time I am through searching for one piece of clothing that's disappeared, if I cannot find it, I look as though I do not know how to put myself together. Consequently, I have lost jobs, opportunities, and successes that are owed to me. I cannot even present myself (as I would were they not stealing my clothes and makeup) because of these petty criminals. I have no defense-- not even a Brinks alarm system.


  • is there really a house and dress, or is this merely part of a delusion your mind has constructed to keep you from the edge of insanity? interesting to contimplate. thank you.

    Oct 18, 2017

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